Mexico owned my ass

Pics are coming... I know gabe irl so I've seen it... just hold on... you're a nutsack for not letting him post first
Aestis said:
Pics are coming... I know gabe irl so I've seen it... just hold on... you're a nutsack for not letting him post first

well it was his car that got totalled..
Ok.. but at least this builds the tenision and antisipation for his post. Plus i will know to look for it :)
CmdrKeen said:
On top of all this I spent three of the four days sick.

You drank teh fuckin' water, didn't you.

How many times do we have to tell you?!

Don't drink teh fuckin' water!

Okay, I went to bed last night after posting so I have only just now read the rest of this thread. To clear a few things up, I know exactly how the accident happened and it wasn't her fault. We were changing lanes to pass a semi and the road turned shitty. A combination of the gravel road and the the lane change caused the car to slide a little, she hit the brakes to slow us down and avoid the semi. We did avoid the semi but a combination of all of that sent us fish-tailling back into the right lane. From that poin on there was nothing she could have done better, she steered into the spin, which although it sent us into the ditch it did avoid us rolling sideways down the road in which case we would have probly been creamed by the semis behind us. In any case I don't blame her, it could have happened to anyone (accept me, I have the most incredible luck when it comes to driving, Gabe can attest to that).

Aestis said:
Pics are coming... I know gabe irl so I've seen it... just hold on... you're a nutsack for not letting him post first

I've only posted the part that he doesn't remeber. I'll let him tell everyone his whole adventure... it goes much beyond just the accident.

Drive safe!


edit: I didn't drink the water, I think it was something that I ate, possibly the ham?!
Glow said:
I've only let a bitch drive my car once. And that's because I was demolished and didn't want to leave my car in a bad part of town.

Honestly, women are fucking horrible drivers by nature. Only reason men get into more accidents is because of speeding. As for common sense, most women don't have it.

you know the wrong women
Clu said:
you know the wrong women

i take that back... the woman (singular) who can drive well that i know has been in more accidents than i can think of. she was always driving drunk though. hrm. haha
Yeah, pics are on the way. Give me a day or two to get the film together (and the hard copies scanned).

I just got back last night, so I'm completely wasted. In the meantime here's a few shots of the major damage.

Yes I look like shit, but bear in mind this is after 18+ hours in a car, a car crash, two days in a hospital, then another two days in the car.



(If they're dead blame the host, it's not my site and I have no idea how much traffic it can take.)

these are the only ones I have now, I'll find a better host and put together a more coherent post in a day or so when I have all the material.

Still to come: The story, pics of car, pre-surgery pics, assorted gore
Wow, first of all Im glad you guys are all ok. Scary stuff. Second of all I have never had a wreck in all my years of driving. I would like to think Im a good driver.
Jazmine said:
Wow, first of all Im glad you guys are all ok. Scary stuff. Second of all I have never had a wreck in all my years of driving. I would like to think Im a good driver.

Amusingly enough, despite the fact that I've been in more wrecks than I can count, I've never been the one driving.