Menzo/IrritAnt/Guy.Welch/KP - Your comments on the state of T:V


Veteran X
You've read in other posts how the (tw) tribes community feels about the state
of T:V and their opinions on the low player count, but we'd love to hear your
take on the issue. You guys must have some opinion on this after putting soo
much effort in making this game. It must be disappointing when the game
isn't attracting a player base as you hoped.

Personally, I love the game, and I think it'll just get better as more and more
3rd party maps become more available (and server admins start adding them to
their rotation) I think when that happens, we'll start seeing player counts rise.

Your thoughts on this issue would be great.
This thread is bound to be full of the ignore list crew.

I'm with you though. I am enjoying it and liking the new community maps coming out.
mc-fine said:
This thread is bound to be full of the ignore list crew.

I'm with you though. I am enjoying it and liking the new community maps coming out.

Ya probably. But we've heard enuff from them already. I think its time we hear from IG/VUG regarding the issue. We, as a community, can beat this issue to death (as it already has), and no one really wants to read another bitch-fest thread.

What "we" (as in: those who find the game entertaining and realize that this
isn't T1 [and never will be], and appreicate that this game is still the best FPS
out there) really want to know are their thoughts and how they plan to address
the issue.

(they may not be able to comment on how they plan on addressing the issue,
but I hope they can offer their opinions)
Love the game. Dont play it to avoid some of the kiddie tards though. (I bought it full retail day 1). The user maps are great. (I want a recal and a reversion or kata style map. Maybe i'll do one at some point).
agree that most hopes are hinged on a competent patch in December.

I know they are reading these, because the few negative comments I have made on the state of the game (as is), earned me a PM from Menzo.

Its exceptionally important to remember that our issues are with the MP, and KP was identified by VUG and IG as the subject matter expert, and thus why he was added to the team. You have heard nothing from him since release, except one comment about the absence of the ded_server.

That should tell you volumes. If HE isn't here, among his minions, pimping the game...perhaps the deafening silence is his message.
MasterGnr said:
agree that most hopes are hinged on a competent patch in December.

I know they are reading these, because the few negative comments I have made on the state of the game (as is), earned me a PM from Menzo.

Its exceptionally important to remember that our issues are with the MP, and KP was identified by VUG and IG as the subject matter expert, and thus why he was added to the team. You have heard nothing from him since release, except one comment about the absence of the ded_server.

That should tell you volumes. If HE isn't here, among his minions, pimping the game...perhaps the deafening silence is his message.

But KP -is- here;
Like many of you who also enjoy the game, I made sure I had my pre-order in. I have high hopes for the December patch and from what I can gather the DEVs are putting some time into it.

I don't know how constructive it would be to have active DEV posts on the board. I have this hunch that anything posted that took a position would be savaged by those with a contrary position.

But for game mechanics details, like a preview of what may be in the next patch or perhaps their thoughts on some of the emerging maps, I think they could have a positive effect on the discussion.

As for the game...I was playing the original Tribes for about 1.5 years before Tribes2 came out, and I remember the patch-hell that was Tribes2. I truly enjoyed both of those games and my feeling is that T:V is a worthy successor to the franchise. Yeah, there's a lot of competition out there but most of the current crop of games have that run-and-gun style that the Tribes franchise allowed me to stay away from. I stll think that T:V is the best multiplayer experience out there.

I'm loving the game, and am still optomistic. of course im dissapointed with the player count, but with T:V now super cheap, it can only get better.

I'd love to hear the response on the player count and progress of the game from any of dev (from iga or vug)
flyte said:

Honestly I do not think they can comment on things like this.

I can assume that they all think it sucks the player counts being so low and that cheated popped up so fast. However someone (I mean sh it it's the unreal engine) should have had the forsight to add cheat protection from day one.
Crolis said:
Like many of you who also enjoy the game, I made sure I had my pre-order in. I have high hopes for the December patch and from what I can gather the DEVs are putting some time into it.

. . .

As for the game...I was playing the original Tribes for about 1.5 years before Tribes2 came out, and I remember the patch-hell that was Tribes2. I truly enjoyed both of those games and my feeling is that T:V is a worthy successor to the franchise. Yeah, there's a lot of competition out there but most of the current crop of games have that run-and-gun style that the Tribes franchise allowed me to stay away from. I stll think that T:V is the best multiplayer experience out there.


I couldn't have said it better myself. Though I missed out on T1, unfortunately, I did thoroughly enjoy what little I managed to play of T2, and it frustrates me to see T:V and all of it's awesome potential struggle due to a lack of interest.

What follows is a bit long, since I'm avoiding work at the moment. Cliffs: Tribes is awesome, T:V is awesome, but I'm worried sick about the franchise.

A bit o' my personal gaming history: when I was a kid (and had way to much time on my hands), my gaming interests were weaned on the old hard core flight sims like Falcon 3.0 (still the best of 'em) and the F-15 series, not to mention the occaissional Sierra adventure game. When I started college, I basiclaly had zero interest in the FPS genre all together: games like Quake, Doom, etc. were little more to me than point and click affairs coupled with some random arrow key pushing (that and I sucked at them, bad).

Fast forward a couple years. The buggy mess that was Falcon 4.0 is released (T2 was nothing compared to that), and the flight sim community enters its death throes. I start to look for another genre I can get involved in, and while the FPS series still has little to interest me, I pick up on the ol' mech style games, particularly Mechwarrior. I like the more "action-y" feel of the games, but there's still enough depth and complexity to make them interesting. It is during this time that I also have a chance to try out Deus Ex and NOLF, and I begin to realize that some FPS games are more than twitch and shoot affairs.

Anyway, I picked up T2 on a whim during the height of my Mech interest, and I fell in love with the game. The FPS style-action combined with a complex team-oriented game mechanic sold me. In particular, though, was the way movement was handled in the game: it wasn't a point and click twitch fest: it was a very deliberate, careful shooter where you piloted your character. I felt it was something wholly removed from the Quakes, Half-Lifes, and Unreal tournaments of the day. And even after I graduated and had no consistent internet connection, I enjoyed any little time I could spend with the game.

Several years pass, I enter grad school, and develop a begrunging appreciation for some of the twitch FPS games that I avoided earlier, since there is no Tribes in the forseeable future. I hardly even noticed when Vengeance was announced, since most of my focus was on the upcoming Half-Life 2 (not to mention passing my comp exams). Come September, I was excited to see that the SP demo of Tribes was released, though I was a bit apprehensive as to how well Tribes would handle an SP component. I downloaded it to take it for a spin, and the instant I picked up the Spinfusor from a fallen Beagle and started jetting and skiing, I fell in love all over again.

Despite it's problems (which I personally think are minor, but that's me), I agree that Vengeance is an excellent game that is worthy of the Tribes name. However, since becoming semi-involved in the community, I'm very aware of people's different opinions, frustrations, expectations, etc., concerning the direction the franchise has taken and the future of this game. While I wholly believe that T:V has the most raw potential of any Tribes game, I'm also aware that it's in the most dire straits. We can only hope that IG/VUG will continue to support this game, and that any upcoming updates will help draw players back to the Tribes universe.

*whew* Thanks for letting me get that out. I'll shut up now.
FishStix said:
I'd love to hear the response on the player count and progress of the game from any of dev (from iga or vug)


MasterGnr said:
.... Its exceptionally important to remember that our issues are with the MP, and KP was identified by VUG and IG as the subject matter expert, and thus why he was added to the team. You have heard nothing from him since release, except one comment about the absence of the ded_server.....

The Man, the Myth, the Who? .... I mean come on .... the expert on Tribes? The man who made a 3 month fad mod for T1/T2? I would have called zodd or ZOD more of the experts on Tribes ...

EDIT: after reading again ... does Menzo blame or point to KP as why T:V has low player count? is that what the PM was about?

mc-fine said:
This thread is bound to be full of the ignore list crew.

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One thing thats unique about our launch window is that to a greater extent than ever before there were just several titles that gobbled up more retail dollars, and retailers attention, than ever before. GTA San Andreas, Halo 2, Half-Life 2, and to a lesser extent, World of Warcraft. With the exception of HL2, these games aren't *exactly* in the same market segment as T:V, but as I could tell from the conversation in the "general" part of this forum, they attracted the attention of a large part of our regular audience, perhaps to our detriment.

As many of you have noticed, we moved the price to 29.99 here in the United States this week, and we expect to find a new audience in the WalMarts of the world, as well as make it just so irressitable to ANY core gamer worth his WASD keys to pick up. I challenge anybody to pick out a better value in gaming.