[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Here's a list of all the people of Juggletits IQ level who are "in IT"

1) call centre helpline "operatives"

Dude, you got fired from a job where you count trucks that haul shit....and you had to go Assholistan to get that job. But seriously....shit-truck driver....and you got fired...in damn near a third world country...and you got fired...

Before you there was probably some camel jockey in that job before you and he probably wipes his ass with his hand, but left the job on his own.....and you got fired.

So really...do you think that taking a shot about the education someone has for their career is your best strategy here?

There will not be a thread like this for beijing biden because no one gives a shit about him.

Rip, America. We had a good run. Time to shut her down.
I hope Trump left lots of whitehouse pranks for Biden to discover. Like when Clinton removed all the W keys off the keyboards for Bush
alec baldwin has to go back to pretending his wife is spanish and punching fags on the street

That Hillaria story is so fucking bizarre. I'd think of it as just being another transracial story but Alec seems more enamored with his wife specifically because she's transracial.
Don't worry guys it wasn't a total waste of 4 years

Well always have fond memories of javankas miga, bombing of syria, and 6miles of wall, and all the long tele posts

:harambe: we all always have that, they can't take it away from us