[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

shitshooter "trump is a pedo..it's a FACT" (no it isn't)

then in same breath "OMG HILLARY WAS INNOCENT"

Shill for thrills
I’ve found that you’re Captain Tele level delusional so I don’t want to engage with you much but basically every point you tried to assert is wrong. I never asserted murder was his mission (wtf?)

NK didn’t bend the knee, he isn’t a billionaire, his model wife hates him and they sleep in different wings of the WH.

The best part is that he could be the most powerful man on the planet but he’s so fucked in the head that he doesn’t think about that so much as he cries that he didn’t get Time person of the year and worries about the stupidest shit you could possibly imagine because he’s that mentally ill.

Delusional people do not have proof. So there's that. Sure thing kiddo. Except NK did, he is, common for old married couple to sleep separately (my husband I did cause of his snoring). No matter the delusions you feed yourself POTUS will STILL be re-elected in a landslide. The same TIME that literally put fucking Hitler on the cover? That Time mag?

I gotta hand it to the pedos in the C_A. They outdid themselves with their MK program. Turned what little mind your kind has into total mush.

EDIT: If you have anything to say to Comey you might want to DM him. He's gonna get what he has coming much sooner than later.
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Senate will more than likely trash it straight away. I wish it would goto trial though. Air out ALL the dirty laundry. Publicly.

BTW who has authority to declassify everything? Asking cause whomever that is holds all the cards.
Factual statement. It's not fair. They started with their "Insurance Policy" before he even took office. Then Pres Obama ordering spying on him, Ted Cruz, Gen. Flynn, Rand Paul, and others. Like seriously. How fucked in the head desperate do you have to be to spy on fucking Rand Paul? :lol:
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Factual statement. It's not fair. They started with their "Insurance Policy" before he even took office. Then Pres Obama ordering spying on him, Ted Cruz, Gen. Flynn, Rand Paul, and others. Like seriously. How fucked in the head desperate do you have to be to spy on fucking Rand Paul? :lol:

Exactly. It is not fair. but what's funny is they want you to read it in a waaaah reeeee liberal sort of crying on your knees or fetal position way, when it simply is a matter of fact statement, and should be read as such.
Exactly. It is not fair. but what's funny is they want you to read it in a waaaah reeeee liberal sort of crying on your knees or fetal position way, when it simply is a matter of fact statement, and should be read as such.

Yep. They live in their emotions completely oblivious to the fact emotion clouds judgement and logic in general.
Derpocrats pulled this stunt then call for "fair and unbiased" inquiry by the Senate. This is amazing. Chiffler and the troll Nadler made up rules as they went, didn't offer fair witness usage, cut off Republican inquiry. It was a huge clown show that is about as obvious as it can get. Now they want "fair"?? I would say SURE and we are going to bring EVERYONE in to testify and air out all this bullshit here and now. Not a parade of hand picked and groomed shills like the "professors" and the other idiots who heard shit 3rd hand. I want:

1. IG report and then the report from Durham in full view as well as those who purposeful omitted info for the FISA warrants indicted.

2. "Whistleblower's" testimony reviewed especially who he approached first (Schiff) and also find out why the AG's office was not first notified as well as his political ties prior (we all know)

3. Find out the real deal behind Ukraine especially with the obvious money laundering to the Kerry's, Hunter, etc. Joe needs to be nailed to the cross for his involvement and blatant misuse of Office to which he already SAID ON TV he used to get the Ukraine investigator fired.

Wishlist: Have Epstein case come out in the open and every mother fucker on that flight list hammered to the wall. (sorry shitshooter, just having your pic with Epstein doesnt mean you associated with him like that pedo Bill who just flew 27+ times to Lolita Island)

At this point I want any and everyone dirty lynched and I don't care which side. I want fuckers to be scared to want to run for office and even hopefully term limits applied.
Well said and that's another thing the other side apparently fails to understand. We dont give a rats ass if there is a D or a R before a name. If they are corrupt they should answer for their crimes.

For example: Im not a dem or a repub. I used to be a big time liberal fanatic. Till I started paying attention.

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Hey fuck you guy. A cat lady told me today I was a White Nationalist because I do not want refugees from africa here in my state. Which utterly confused me considering the fact Im a faggot spic. She knows more than you or I because she is informed because she watches cnn AND msnbc. According to her and her 300lbs of lard.
they amputated my right nut a few times before and then put it inside a black guy (i think they possibly got fool to do this too once)

i hope they dont get both or make it permanent


brubaker didnt execute everyone

but the way i figure it
they amputated my right nut a few times before and then put it inside a black guy (i think they possibly got fool to do this too once)

i hope they dont get both or make it permanent


brubaker didnt execute everyone

but the way i figure it

I've never amputated your nut you fookin liar.