[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Should we drop the trade war? Go back to buying everything from China, not call them out on currency manipulation? Look the other way when they steal our technology?

What's the game plan here? How should we be handling it?

Let's be honest, the left has no plan. They are against this just because Trump is for it. This issue shouldn't even be a partisan one at all.

Same way the US applies pressure to other countries. Get a coalition of countries together who will agree to all apply economic pressure against China. China has way too many wealthy markets for their products right now. They might prefer to have our business, but they don't need it.

Problem w/ the trade war isn't that we are having a trade war, it's that we're having a trade war with no strategy for actually winning it. China's Xi JinPing doesn't have to worry about elections so he can just wait out the clock with Trump.
I’d read an academic case study but you haven’t posted any dip shit. You post Don Lemon opinion pieces. That sort of consumption is as basic as Oreos and Mountain Dew

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I’ve posted several. I posted the Don Lemon video because it had the Trump cult super cut in it. I think Don Lemon is an idiot. Of course, that’s the only defense you can come up with to what I posted because you’re mentally retarded and love gargling Trumps balls.
ShitSniffer says shim has no idea how to handle relations with China. Here is the answer straight out of George Washington's Farewell Address from 1796.

The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop.
Cool. We should listen to a guy that didn’t know about the Internet or airplanes or financial markets or etc. etc. etc.

Lol. What a dumb fuck.

This is awesome and demonstrates how your brain works. We shouldn't listen to or learn from anything before the internet or airplanes. Nice.

Thanks for that.


Also, how dare you assume George's identity. He wore a wig ffs
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Lol in 1493 I learned that instead of taking antibiotics when I’m sick I should do a dance near a bonfire. I’m glad I listened to history and am dead!

God damn you are denser than a block of diamond. Just incredible how someone could be so daft and work a computer.
Yeah, I know. You got yourself in a bind by letting us know that you don't really understand China, history, the Art of War, George Washington and all that other "Boomer" shit. Right? You let us know that nothing valuable comes from "old people". Basically, anything before the internet and airplanes.

I have news: China believes in history and the wisdom of what history can teach.
I have more news: Donald Trump knows more about relations with China than most people do. I can tell you with 99% accuracy, Donald understands China better than most. Believe it or don't. Not my bag.

You state you work in Hollywood. Probably CA? Maybe LA? The place where Nero fiddles while everything burns. You probably think he fiddles like a Charlie Daniels' song. It was most likely a lute. You know, lutes and fiddles pre-date the internet and airplanes. It is most likely a metaphor and that is problematic for some. But, I digress.

LA, the place where, apparently, 95 percent of people believe that "homelessness" is now the #1 problem. The place that let that problem grow like uncleared scrub. The place that still calls it a "homeless" problem and not a drug and lawlessness problem. The place that believes that if there was just more affordable housing that the problem would just go away.

You are the person that doesn't realize that "affordable housing" is another way to describe a concentration camp. To exert control over a somewhat distasteful sector of the populace. To milk them for their electoral vote. To manage them like cattle. To medicate them. To play CNN 24h per day in their environment. To control every aspect of their existence. Why do you think they like to stay outside? Perhaps freedom? Perhaps the prey senses the trap? Good luck with that.

Do you see this? Do you see the similarities? You are the neo nazis, bro. You and your silly local and state government. The people who are supposed to be free-thinkers. The folks who are supposed to be our creative, accepting do-gooders. Our tree-huggers. Our granolas. The counterpoint to the stereo-typical evil hawkish rednecks. The gay bashers, the KKK, all that.

You have all become a joke. You have all become the exact thing you say you are fighting against. Man, I am truly sorry for the trip that has been dropped on you out there but you pretty much dropped it on yourselves. It has turned you into a horrible, lost person living in a country that you hate for no logical reason.

I hope you and everyone down there in CA and in other towns in the US and the world come to their senses. It's so easy to create a little bubble of narcissism and lose sight of what is important and what is not. To drink the koolaid of "we know best, everyone else is wrong". That is not how it works here in the US. It should be, "Hey, we think we have a better idea, let's talk about it and see."

CA has thought it had better ideas and many of them have not worked out so great. Instead of copping to that and fixing it, they have doubled down and tried to expand the lunacy to the rest of the country. That way, they think they won't be in the spotlight. You are not alone. Some lunacy comes from the other coast as well. In general, the other coast is a bit smarter, though. You know, surfers vs lawyers and ivy.

Obviously, I am not talking about all of CA. There are plenty of frustrated Californians who actually have common sense and also love the US. But, many of them are leaving the state.

Anyway, Spicoli, shoot your shit around TW. Call people names. Denounce history and common sense. Denounce the president. Rail against the machine. Do what you do. But don't expect anyone to take you seriously. Don't expect anyone to converse with you. Anyone from CA who readily admits that nothing before the internet or airplanes is worth learning from is --- well - it kind of speaks for itself.

I'll label you a sad, narcissistic, spoiled, hate-filled clown with a penchant for trolling and leave it at that.

You will make a great pet, "SharpShooter".

Happy trails.
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I recall shitshifter posting one link to a Wikipedia article. He's said a lot of bullshit, but doesn't back it up with actual facts, all the while claiming wins on an interweb forum.

Full on tds on display.

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