[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

If the Chinese military attacks people who only want freedom from communism.. will the dems/left/faggots want to punish them through trade tariffs?
Castro's Trump boycott grilled; business booming at pro-Trump BBQ

Rep. Joaquin Castro’s (D-Texas) tweet calling for a boycott of San Antonio donors he listed who support President Donald Trump went up in flames when diners lined up out outside one Trump-supporting BBQ restaurant, with drive-thru lines going around the block and customers packing other restaurants in the chain.

Protesting the president’s visit to console victims of the El Paso shooting that left 22 dead and blaming him for inciting the racist rampage, the Latino Democrat said he wanted San Antonio diners to rethink eating out at restaurants whose owners support the president.

“What I would like for [these donors] to do is think twice about supporting a guy who is fueling hate in this country,” Castro said in an interview on Morning Joe.

Having his own second thoughts?

After triggering the opposite effect he intended, it is now argued Castro – the brother of Democratic presidential primary candidate Julian Castro, who served as secretary of Housing and Urban development under the Obama administration – is the one who should be reconsidering his actions.

n fact, one consumer suggested that Castro’s tweet was better than paid advertising for Bill Miller Bar-B-Q.

“Cars were lined up around the block at one of the San Antonio, Texas, locations!” Tamie J. McDonald tweeted last Wednesday, with a photo of cars lined up down the street. “Loved The Bill Miller Breakfast Special. I even purchased breakfast tacos for my co-workers! #MAGA #Trump2020”

Donald Trump Is Selling Chris Cuomo 'Fredo Unhinged' Shirts On His Official Website
What I love about 2XL and 3XL is that it pretty much implies nobody ever considered people would ever get that large.
I haven't really been paying attention to the China thing. What are all the protests about?

Hong Kong about to be main landed. Protesters rearry angri. They going to be flatter than Tiananmen Square shortly.

More or less this.

HK was part of the UK for 100 years until 97 when UK's "lease" on it ended. Tons of people fled in terror - which is why Vancouver is 40% Chinese - and the Chinese govt realized that the entire city might collapse. They made a deal that HK would gradually re-integrate into Chinese society with a series of planned handovers. Every time there's one of these planned handovers, like say, the school system goes from being administered by HK to being administered by mainland China, the people fucking flip shit.

This time, however, the HK government is handing over extradition rights, which basically means the entire HK criminal justice system - which is quite Western - is about to go back into China's hands as China will just extradite everyone who gets arrested in HK back to Beijing and try them under Chinese law. HK is freaking the fuck out - rightfully so - about this and doing everything in their power to stop it from happening. There's a distinct possibility that the people of HK will declare themselves independent and form a new government, as their current government are basically Beijing-installed sycophants.

If they do, there's talks that they could try to remain independent ala Singapore, rejoin the UK (which is highly unlikely) or even join Taiwan. None of these scenarios will work out, however, because China will refuse to allow them to leave. Hence why there's a massive military buildup on the border of HK - they're preparing to shut down any attempt to declare independence before it can happen. The only way HK will be free is if the US intervenes - and we likely won't even though we really, really should.
don't worry, tribalwar gaming news freedom army will b there 2 support the good chinks in their righteous war against the dirty chinks

victory is guaranteed

china is basically a glorified robac u kno