[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

She is a walking example of a system that does work, yet appears bent on dismantling it.

*that* is (part of) the argument to make. the childish, race-baity retorts just rile people up on both sides and is incredibly unprofessional let alone unpresidential. so what if omar says stupid shit, rise above it and make it apparent even to fence sitters which side is making more sense.
No one is telling these people to go home. They're saying STFU, we're tired of being lectured about what is to be American by people who came here because of what America has created.


Trumpelgiltskin said:
So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly......

....and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how....

....it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!

Though, he does have a point.. those American-born Congresswomen DO come from countries whose governments are complete and total catastrophes, corrupt, and inept.

They're in congress. It's their job to say how things are supposed to be run. Not play Golf.
Well when you gain power and you become president.. maybe it will matter what you want.. so far the voters and been quite clear. 2020 comes and they reaffirm that.. I expect you gone
Well when you gain power and you become president.. maybe it will matter what you want.. so far the voters and been quite clear. 2020 comes and they reaffirm that.. I expect you gone

By that logic, why was there anyone left in the country who'd vote for Trump after Obama? Shouldn't they all have left?

don't worry when i get back from area51 we're gonna sort out who's leaving

The difference is we just waited.. you stupid fucks are melting down :rofl:

melting down? Sorry, who's out there losing their fucking minds over some photos of AOC that maybe weren't what they were advertised as?

I'm happily sitting over here, popcorn in hand and enjoying the show with the rest of the world, laughing at just how fucking stupid America can be at times.

You guys have some amazing talent over there, and the money to throw behind it to get some truly amazing things done when you want to. But lord, you have some of the best, a-grade morons out there, and unlike most of the rest of the world, who generally have a fully developed sense of shame and try not to encourage them, you guys are more than happy to put a microphone in front of their faces and entertain the world with their modern-day village idiocy. Kudos on that!
Oh.. so you have chosen to ignore the dems/left/faggots melting the fuck down and doing everything possible to subvert Trump
Exactly how pissed are you going to be if Trump wins again?

It is highly likely he gets a second term.. brace yourselves
Yeah, that's what I thought

Just mentioning Trump winning sends you to your safe place

Feel free to exit at your leisure
That was pretty awesome what he said.

Now if we can figure out a way to put all the Jews on some trains and get them out of here. We would have to build some camps to house them all until we can get them on ships or jets. Because we would be removing several million, I'm sure lice would be a big concern so we should make sure we have all the necessary chemicals to protect the Jews from a lice infestation. Not only that but, we would need to have a lot of showers for them too.
How DARE they, elected leaders of the country, seek to make the place better!


Better how... where is the better plan that follows their rants and prognostications about how mistreated they are and how bad every thing is?

When they stand up and label the Border Patrol as a racist rogue agency of Nationalists running Death Camps while voting against bills to send critical funding to improve the situation?

When they showboat and grandstand for social media... while doing nothing to actually improve the "great satan" of a country they serve...

Where is the better?

Yet, Trump is the only child in the room here...
melting down? Sorry, who's out there losing their fucking minds over some photos of AOC that maybe weren't what they were advertised as?

I'm happily sitting over here, popcorn in hand and enjoying the show with the rest of the world, laughing at just how fucking stupid America can be at times.

You guys have some amazing talent over there, and the money to throw behind it to get some truly amazing things done when you want to. But lord, you have some of the best, a-grade morons out there, and unlike most of the rest of the world, who generally have a fully developed sense of shame and try not to encourage them, you guys are more than happy to put a microphone in front of their faces and entertain the world with their modern-day village idiocy. Kudos on that!


sup mcdumpsterfire

are you saying that only the left has 'snark' (and cant meme), but making fun of aoc the fraud and other leftwing lunacy is somehow raging?

ahahahahahaha what a world you live in
Lawsuit Outs Fox News Ellen Ratner as Source for Seth Rich Intel
Fox News news analyst Ellen Ratner relayed information from Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to Texas businessman Ed Butowsky regarding Seth Rich’s role in transferring emails to Wikileaks, according to an amended lawsuit that I filed this morning on behalf of Mr. Butowsky.

Although Ms. Ratner appears on Fox News, she is by no means a Republican or a conservative, and her role in the Seth Rich saga (like that of journalist Sy Hersh) obliterates the Democratic narrative that right-wing zealots fabricated the story about Mr. Rich leaking emails from the Democratic National Committee.

Mr. Rich, a DNC employee, was murdered in Washington, D.C. on July 10, 2016, and the murder remains unsolved. Here’s an excerpt from the amended suit (“RCH” stands for “Russian Collusion Hoax”), From here:
45. Mr. Butowsky stumbled into the RCH crosshairs after Ellen Rattner [sic], a news analyst for Fox News and the White House correspondent for Talk Media News, contacted him in the Fall of 2016 about a meeting she had with Mr. Assange. Ms. Rattner’s brother, the late Michael Rattner, was an attorney who had represented Mr. Assange. According to Ms. Rattner, she made a stop in London during a return flight from Berlin, and she met with Mr. Assange for approximately six hours in the Ecuadorean embassy. Ms. Rattner said Mr. Assange told her that Seth Rich and his brother, Aaron, were responsible for releasing the DNC emails to Wikileaks. Ms. Rattner said Mr. Assange wanted the information relayed to Seth’s parents, as it might explain the motive for Seth’s murder.

46. Upon her return to the United States, Ms. Rattner asked Mr. Butowsky to contact the Rich family and relay the information from Mr. Assange, apparently because Ms. Rattner did not want her involvement to be made public. In the two months that followed, Mr. Butowsky did not attempt to contact the Rich family, but he grew increasingly frustrated as the DNC and #Resistance “journalists” blamed the Russian government for the email leak. On December 16, 2016, Mr. Butowsky sent a text message to Ms. Ratner:

BUTOWSKY [7:10 a.m.]: “Why don’t [sic] you speaking up about email hack?”

RATTNER [9:28 a.m.]: “I have”

Ms. Rattner subsequently told Mr. Butowsky that she had informed Bill Shine, who was then the co-president of Fox News, about her meeting with Mr. Assange in London. Ms. Rattner also informed Fox News producer Malia Zimmerman about her meeting with Mr. Assange.

47. On December 17, 2016, at the instigation of Ms. Rattner, Mr. Butowsky finally contacted Joel and Mary Rich, the parents of Seth, and he relayed the information about Ms. Rattner’s meeting with Mr. Assange. During that conversation, Mr. Rich told Mr. Butowsky that he already knew that his sons were involved in the DNC email leak, but he and his wife just wanted to know who murdered Seth. Mr. Rich said he was reluctant to go public with Seth’s and Aaron’s role in leaking the emails because “we don’t want anyone to think our sons were responsible for getting Trump elected.” Mr. Rich said he did not have enough money to hire a private investigator, so Mr. Butowsky offered to pay for one. Mr. Rich accepted the offer and thanked Mr. Butowsky in an email.

48. On December 29, 2016 at 1:51 p.m., Mr. Butowsky sent an email to Ms. Rattner from his iPad: “If the person you met with truly said what he did, is their [sic] a reason you we aren’t reporting it ?” At 3:48 p.m. that afternoon, Ms. Rattner responded as follows: “because— it was a family meeting—- I would have to get his permission– will ask his new lawyer, my sister-in-law.”​
LawFlog said:
The complaint also mentions an interesting development in my ongoing Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the FBI. The feds claimed they had no information pertaining to Seth Rich, but they appear to be changing their tune. Shortly after Attorney General William Barr announced plans to declassify documents related to the Russian Collusion Hoax, the FBI’s attorney informed me that new documents were being processed. I should receive them not later than July 22, 2019. The DNC’s objections to our subpoenas for “Russian hacking’ information are also due on July 22, 2019, and production is due on August 8, 2019.

The more I’ve reviewed the Seth Rich case, the more I’m convinced of its central role in the whole Russian Collusion Hoax. I believe DNC officials knew that the emails would become public as the result of an internal leak, and they knew that the emails would be very damaging, so they attempted to turn the tables by pointing fingers at Donald Trump and the Russians. Hopefully we will know more by next week.