[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

I thought the production of it was pretty cool.

What you clearly did not comprehend from the video title is it's supposed to be from the future. She is taking light rail technology proposed in the green new deal.

(rhino part was :rofl:)

the fast water coloring was cool, i agree. there is already a train from new york to dc. she doesn't take it. i understood that it was supposed to be the awesome future after her socialism and green deal took over, duh.
the fast water coloring was cool, i agree. there is already a train from new york to dc. she doesn't take it. i understood that it was supposed to be the awesome future after her socialism and green deal took over, duh.

so why bring up the train part when even the quoted picture has her lookng like rogue / clearly aged?
u just being petty now
so why bring up the train part when even the quoted picture has her lookng like rogue / clearly aged?
u just being petty now

aww hell guys, we got an AOC supporter here :rofl:

regardless, this is the kind of kindergartner bullshit she needs to play in front of congress so everyone can get a good laugh.
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My favorite part was how we turned to indigenous people to learn how to heal the land.
we can evolve to make our communities look like theirs with enough patience, hard work and wisdom.

TrojanMan421 a dumfuk wyte trash fukn cuckfuk pussyass disgr8c 2 him race n d00 b tinkn streetervill in da north side o chitcago lmfa0 wutta dumfuk mofukka need him fukkn teef slappt dafuq out him pussyass hed n m0uf smdh lol :jester:
That graphic gave me a headache. Apparently weak men wear ties and strong men make nazi salutes.
AOC doesn't take the ny/dc train because it goes thru delaware and that would expose her to becoming another victim of amtrak joe biden (even tho she's like 20 years too old 4 him)