[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Everyone please join me tomorrow as we celebrate the arrival of the prophet....Bob.....and drink my custom concoction of love juices and cyanide.

Who will join me?
I have not gotten a single response to my cult invitation. No, TW is not a cult. Just a collection of nut jobs and losers.
I don't think I'll ever understand the cult shit. How can anybody be that weak?

They don't see themselves as weak - quite the opposite, they think it makes them strong.

A lot of what they do revolves around psychology, utilizing disassociative behavior. These people live in a different reality.

Think about Comey for a second. Everything about his body language says one thing, but the man's a consummate liar. He genuinely believes the shit that's coming out of his mouth because he thinks he's coming from a place of a higher moral standard.

If you haven't seen, check out Bombard's Body Lanugage's video of Comey on the View. Body language is so telling in how these people operate.

It's also important to understand the structure of psychology in all of this. Psychology has been the tool of the Left for a long time. It's the tool that's allowed the Left to infiltrate college campuses, the changing of language, the idea that words are as lethal as actions.

To better understand the indoctrination of the Cult stuff, check out this video:

(Skip to 37 minutes in to go past what I think was her lawyer, not sure)

It's a video form 1996 that where Cathy O'Brien openly discussed her forced participation in these pedo ring "Illuminati" cult activity. She was violently abused; psychologically, sexually, mentally.

One of the things she talks about is the compartmentalization of trauma that the brain experiences - the kids that suffer through this stuff, the ones who survive it, are left in a mental state where their brains can completely disconnect from trauma and store that information in such a way that allows them to function, at least at the surface level, normally.
I hold the belief we can say anything we want. What I don't like is that that fat cow is allowed to educate. She is a moron. Not because of what she believes but because she is an illiterate english professor


so what you're saying is she should be professor of journalism :roller:
O Lord, Bless this large cup of Mountain Dew with crushed ice, for I am a sinner and have not drunk from thy nectar of The Gods in three days. And fill my cup with two refills for I am thirsty.

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Probably just the Saudi's firing their guns off to make it seem like they're under attack by terrorists from yemen so that they have an excuse for the genocide they're enacting on them.
You mean the Democults? Well, yes.

Yeah but those cry-babies are on the ropes and going down.

I know this because the 30 of you that post here regularly say so, particularly the 5 that account for more than 50% of the posts here. Next stop, those pussies at Reddit.
BREAKING: Trump is going to pardon Jack Johnson.

I hate Donald for this. Jack can take those Banana Pancakes and shove them right up his ass. Maybe a couple of mangoes too.
Yeah but those cry-babies are on the ropes and going down.

I know this because the 30 of you that post here regularly say so, particularly the 5 that account for more than 50% of the posts here. Next stop, those pussies at Reddit.

You mean besides the other 30 of you crybabies that post here regularly saying the same thing over and over?

This is funny ass shit really.
I have started to cut my friends that identify with any party some slack. They aren't fully to blame for their confusion. It is kind of misleading. It is hard to tell right from wrong and sometimes people rely on their party affiliation or religion to make decisions for them instead of just following their common sense.

Most of my dem/liberal friends are really horrible at leading. They are also more sensitive. My republican/conservative friends are decent leaders but tend to not give a shit about those in need. ("Not my problem until it takes my tax dollars")

Both sides are mortally wounded. But it is the dem/liberal side that is really getting beat to shit and I feel badly for them. They are the ones that are the "lalala" fingers in the ears types. They have a hard time finding anything to bring them joy or humor. They see the world as being full of monsters and haters. They see the world as "us against them". They have the hardest time cooperating and finding middle ground. They are becoming emotionally drained.

On the republican/conservative side, I see my friends prospering. Most of them would like to help out - many times they take the "Fuck it - if they are so stupid they won't listen than let them fail. Eventually they will see sense or not. Don't give a fuck" attitude. This attitude eventually comes back around to make them feel bad because although true and effective - it does not foster a team spirit. And, most successful conservative leader types like a tightly running happy ship.
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vanster thinking there are still people that think hillary is getting locked up...then again he's been in a drunken haze for the last few years it's hard to tell time

I promise you people like havax, sam, and Gouge not only believe that pizzagate and other conspiracies are a thing, but that Hillary will be locked up at some point.