[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

lulz thats what I thought

if ur gonna talk shit and be a cunt, be ready to get some back your way

be cool, then it wont happen


Yep, this is true, however the one thing that's constant is that every post you make, regardless of frequency, makes you come across like a whiny little bitch with nothing of value to contribute. So there's that. GG Hi 5.

Not even a shred of self-awareness
mitch, every post u make comes across like a fart @ centre court, wimbledon

skipper, u should kno, as a thoughtful and kind liberal, that numbers r racist and oppressive and when u use them in an argument ur basically just another alt-right internet q-cumber

al'muktar, u are a corporatist rich white man who's litchrully in bed w/ putin's apparatchik

pagy, u gotta work on ur canadian villain persona i recommend u watch some old vids of lance storm doing trash talk @ rasslin gigs

last dood idk who the fuk u are (apart from a chinese communist moslem who hates america) but nobody wants 2 watch a video of a rat faced nerd commenting on videos of maga boombers melting down like as if they're hillary voters in 2016
thank you for your service

Cool. And most of those votes came out of 2 counties on opposite sides of the country.

So tell me genius, what does Kansas city, St Louis, Dallas, Miami, Cincinnati, or any other city not on the east or west coast have in common with those counites?

Do you think the citizens are concerned about the same things or value the same things?

So then why the fuck should those two counties be the groups that elect the president for everyone?

and now you know why there is an electoral college


so Day 1, shut down keystone and kill thousands of [oil] jobs

at same time:

"Damascus said further that tons of US heavy equipment was observed going toward building up US positions at Conoco oil and gas field: "Over the past few days, helicopters affiliated to the so-called international coalition have transported logistical equipment and heavy military vehicles to Conoco oil field in northeastern Deir Ezzor countryside, after turning it into military base to reinforce its presence and loot the Syrian resources," SANA wrote further."

this is what the fucktards voted for bcuz OMB
