[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

look bottom line is i dont give a shit who people vote for

but i've always been a strong proponent of lesser of 2 evils

trump's been on the front page of nyc tabloids for 40 years, a loud ass rich obnoxious person for even longer, and no one has caught him on video, tv or even audio saying the shit in which people accuse him

joe biden has ample video evidence of committing actual extortion while being the head of a state OR actual video evidence of touching children

anyone who says the way he touches those kids is appropriate or just fine because "hes just old timey like that" probably have some issues they need to address themselves or really naïve, maybe both

it's not creepy, it's extreme. it's predatory and a personality characteristic that is unacceptable. the only thing that is on level with that unacceptable behavior is the families, especially fathers that smile and nod while he violates their children.

any father, or for god sake, mother that smiled for a photo instead of breaking his jaw or at least moving their child away, should be held criminal in their own right

write in anthony maio on your ballot, write in your dogs name, but joe biden? fuck out of here

so let it be written
Idk kushner is almost comic book villain if trump got rid of all the ivanka jared miga bs id be 100% on board

I dont get why we got to sign up for miga tho

It really comes down to do we get more miga with bidens or javanka
but naptown ur being irrational joe just likes the smell of tear-less child shampoo and counting ribs at the same time

whats the big deal
Loving all the idiots on Twitter thinking that because GDP went down 32% in Q2 then up 33% in Q3 then overall it's ahead 1%.

Math is hard :rolleyes: :lol: :lol:

Incoming dim.
Gun violence is up in much of the USA.

The murder increase in the US, explained - Vox

This is obviously because of liberal oat milk drinkers and not because we have huge unemployment, a national opioid epidemic, surging mental illness rates, a global pandemic, and a woeful national government that was too busy ramming through a handmaid Supreme Court justice to pass a relief bill for American citizens. It's almost like electing a looter regime that doesn't give a shit about your well-being has consequences for your well-being.

Brasstax is elite at identifying problems and finding a way to blame them all on Portland yuppies. He is the Michael Jordan of misattributing causation.
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I'm not talking about the nation. I am talking about Portland. Portland has fucked itself. Vera is rolling in her grave. RIP Vera. RIP Portland. A couple of shitty mayors and down she goes.