[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

I haven't made a thread in years, but apparently Fool has disabled my ability.

What? No I haven't.

fakeNews Debonked

I'd like to make a Randi thread. I can't.

Checked your profile, there's nothing in there regarding limited thread posting. You're a premium member, veteran status, all boxes and permissions checked. Don't know what to tell you. Try logging out and in?
Checked your profile, there's nothing in there regarding limited thread posting. You're a premium member, veteran status, all boxes and permissions checked. Don't know what to tell you. Try logging out and in?

it's most likely his browser or some shitty extension he has installed, or he has a virus from all the gay midget porn.
it's most likely his browser or some shitty extension he has installed, or he has a virus from all the gay midget porn.
Actually it's MOST likely that he's simply too old and too drunk to remember how to post a thread