[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

the netflix social dilemma doc explains this quite succinctly...they say the exact same thing about you. Because they have completely different news and facts.

I mean we cant agree on the definition of the word racism so how the fuck could we even do anything about it?

Does Canada have these kinds of retarded issues as well? Or is this really a U.S. kind of retardation


Imagine how the covid has destroyed the trafficking of almost everything, people, drugs, pirated dvd's
the netflix social dilemma doc explains this quite succinctly...they say the exact same thing about you. Because they have completely different news and facts.

how the fuck could we even do anything about it?

The left are lazy and allow themselves to be brainwashed with blatant propaganda as long as what they are told reinforces what they want to hear. The right take it upon themselves to do their own research. One of the many reasons MSM has such a hard on for Q Team.


You are not supposed to think for yourself! We are supposed to tell you what to think!- MSM
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Does Canada have these kinds of retarded issues as well? Or is this really a U.S. kind of retardation
yes 100%. we produced the likes of gad saad and jordan peterson; we are becoming just as polarized BUT far less heat/violence at this time.

people, in general, are less “forgotten”. we have our health needs covered. schooling is affordable. we have less desperate people id say.

but are we on the same road to civil war based on a lack of communication and radicalization of the poles? yup.
RBG was a pretty prominent advocate for progressive leftism that is rampant in our society today. She advocated for institutionalizing much of the flawed polices we are currently drowning in right now.

That's why she's obtained sainthood status among the left and why they are wearing ash and sackcloth at the news of her passing. They've lost one of their (((white))) knights and champions of the cause.

They (((the left))) are worried that the inroads they've made in pushing/normalizing their ideologies in society are about to be turned-back and reversed.

They're not crying over the loss of an individual, but the set back in their agenda's she represents.

The average Joe or Jill leftist is not of any real interest. It is those like her who trips the automated system, is completely autonexted, and gets automatically put in database.
The left are lazy and allow themselves to be brainwashed with blatant propaganda as long as what they are told reinforces what they want to hear. The right take it upon themselves to do their own research. One of the many reasons MSM has such a hard on for Q Team.


You are not supposed to think for yourself! We are supposed to tell you what to think!- MSM

coming from an uneducated meth-head, this is beyond parody

back to my algorithmically-reinforced Youtube ~studies~