[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Every friend at school who smoked dope 4+ times / week ended up dumb as fuck, spoke abnormally and was almost functionally retarded after a couple of years.

I wouldn't recommend it except for very occasional use.

Obviously those of us who got drunk 3 times a week ended up doing almost as much harm and certainly had more violent accidents than the pot heads.

So drink, smoke, do drugs, whatever but always in moderation. If you can't give it up for a week or two, you have a problem.
Even if you're in that group, you're gimping your potential. You just won't know it. That's the funny part.

Been in "that group" since I was a child. If I had a choice in the matter I would not be. It is a fucking curse. If you knew half of what I know you'd curl yourself into a fetal position and cry yourself to sleep. Brought up pot for a reason. In a couple of years you will know why. That is the really funny part.

Gays do a lot of uppers when they do drugs.

For sexual reasons.

Most gays are slaves to their primitive side. That cop I was dating was like that. He was sex, sex, and more sex. I'm like I'd rather study something.
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We used to get those little bottles back in the 80's. Didn't really know what they were for but after huffing them for a bit the only way to describe it was like you could see/feel a big purple spot inside your brain (while you collapsed with your heart thrashing away) Good way to pass lunchtime at school in between ciggies.

Why isn't Dump doing anything about this? Is it because he was raping little girls on Epstein's wild ride for years and years while fantasizing about fucking Ivanka?

Why isn't Dump doing anything about this? Is it because he was raping little girls on Epstein's wild ride for years and years while fantasizing about fucking Ivanka?

Not only that, but let’s defund police.

That will surely help things.

100% all trumps fault.