[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Just checked... 36

What are you trying to say here?

It seems when the left sees something they don't like/disagree with the only thing they can do is talk down to/about people. Well maybe that is an over generalization. Its more like the uneducated lefties that fail to have a thought of their own lack the ability to have discourse outside of put downs.

Just sad.

Illinois sure does like sending its Governors to prison... you'd think they'd stop swearing them into office in the first place. It would just save so much paperwork and time to send them straight to prison after the election.
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He commuted the prison sentence of an impeached democrat Governor indicted for Quid Pro Quo corruption... what's sketchy about that?

Did I mention it's an election year... ?
democrats - the party of the people -, who abhors wealth and power ("wealth inequality!"), is relying on a billionaire to win the presidency

:lol: this is great