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"A Ridiculous Choice" - FISA Court Sparks Firestorm, Appoints Conflicted, Anti-Trump Attorney To Oversee FBI Fixes

Donald J. Trump


You can’t make this up! David Kris, a highly controversial former DOJ official, was just appointed by the FISA Court to oversee reforms to the FBI’s surveillance procedures. Zero credibility. THE SWAMP! @DevinNunes @MariaBartiromo @FoxNews​
Sharyl Attkisson, via SharylAttkisson.com, reports that on Friday, the FISA Court posted an order naming anti-Trump lawyer David Kris to “assist the court” in assessing the FBI’s response to the court-ordered cleanup of lapses and abuses identified by Department of Justice Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz.

In a report released last month, the IG found FBI officials violated rules, policies and law in their applications to wiretap former Trump volunteer Carter Page. Horowitz testified the FISA surveillance process needs to be fixed “from top to bottom.”

To some, the appointment of Kris is as mysterious as why the FISA Court’s judges failed to flag the FBI abuses on their own.

In social media posts, Kris has called Republican Congressman Devin Nunes “a politicized, dishonest [Intelligence Community] overseer who attempts to mislead.”
“The Nunes memo was dishonest,” said Kris.

“And if it is allowed to stand, we risk significant collateral damage to essential elements of our democracy.”​
He tweeted that Trump and his advisors should be “worried” that the “walls are closing in on him” regarding the Mueller probe.

Kris also bought into the now-disproven conspiracy theory about Trump colluding with Russia and Putin.

But even more importantly, since that time, Kris has advocated for President Trump’s removal.

Kris’s vocal opinions on President Trump and politics present numerous, obvious conflicts of interest.

In addition, Kris writes for the anti-Trump blog “Lawfare” and called Lawfare’s chief, Benjamin Wittes, “incisive.” Wittes is the man who wrote of the need for an “insurance policy” against Trump prior to Trump’s election.
[O]ur democracy needs a health insurance policy…The courts have a few obvious advantages, starting with hundreds of independent judges of both parties whom Trump cannot remove from office and who don’t have to face his supporters in forthcoming elections…The goal…will be to offer a systematic defense of the values the Coalition of All Democratic Forces holds in common and to have the ability to respond rapidly to actions that threaten those values: to forestall such actions in court as long as possible, to whittle them down, and to block those that can be blocked. The goal is to use the courts to render Trump’s antidemocratic instincts as ineffectual as possible.
Benjamin Wittes, blogger, “Lawfare,” Oct. 24, 2016​
Wittes is also a friend of ex-FBI Director James Comey who was referred for criminal charges for mishandling and leaking government information in his anti-Trump efforts. (The Justice Department passed up charges, with officials stating they didn’t believe Comey meant any harm.)
“He’s not going to do anything because in the end Kris doesn’t believe there was anything wrong with what went on at the FBI,” said a former law enforcement official.

“His selection by the FISC is how bureaucrats protect themselves and could care less about the American people or the Constitution.”​

President Donald Trump retweeted a photoshopped image of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer wearing traditional Muslim clothing before the Iranian flag.

The image quickly caused controversy online.

WALSH: Every Sane Person Saw This Coming. Now A Pedophile Claims He Identifies As An 8-Year-Old Girl.

A convicted sex offender in Michigan his heading to prison for 10–20 years after being caught with child pornography on his computer. What makes this case interesting is the defense that 45-year-old Joseph Gobrick offered in court. Speaking to a judge at his sentencing hearing, Gobrick claimed that he has a First Amendment right to look at child porn. He also claimed that he identifies as an eight-year-old girl.

“I’ve always been an eight-year-old girl,’’ Gobrick contended. “Even in my drawings and fantasies, I am always an eight-year-old girl. … There are adults having sex with me in an online forum as an eight-year-old girl.”

The judge apparently did not find this argument persuasive. No reasonable person would. But an obvious question is raised here. Why exactly can’t Gobrick identity as a young girl? On what basis can we deny or disqualify his self-identification?

Huh, good question.

Why can't a 45 year old identify as an 8 year old?
You fat fucking feminists/liberals are causing climate change.

After Tim did videos on dating/marriage stats, feminists roasted him on a massive scale. Since then Tim has gone out of his way to poke and prod feminists pretty frequently, which is uncharacteristic for a lefty. But then again, he identifies as moderate now.

He's changing.
tim poole talking about fat people when he is bloated on trichinosis pork and uses a profile pic from 2006 before he was obese

He's boated out in his face and neck. I think Tim probably has fat genes, but keeps it mostly at bay with his diet. You can tell if they have genes for being fat with jaw/jawline.