[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

This was what I was talking about with my friend yesterday. If we have to choose sides, and that's the part I don't really understand (something religion something Christianity chosen people), but if we have to choose sides I'd rather go with the smart intelligent group, (I truly despise the Muslim culture. I don't want another religion that can be turned to use as justification to kill others or take away rights introduced into our United States),,,,

But shouldn't we expect them to send their kids alongside us to fight? Shouldn't we see bowing down gratefulness? Shouldn't we at least see a recognition from them that we are doing it on their behalf??

How many Jews are in the US Military?

How many overt and covert operations has Israel conducted against countries illegally developing fissionable material to make nuclear weapons? Isn't that in our mutual interest?

Israel is too busy fighting their own battles to make things worse by getting publicly involved in our own stupidity.
jesus christ I couldn't make up onemanarmy's idiocy

that's right, murdoch's the truth-teller we didn't know we needed
so allow me to explain..

cael is a condo dwelling snow flake

men dwell in houses and fix stuff ourselves..kitty cuck probably lives in some high rise with some retarded elevator and whines about the water pressure.

There are men and there are bitches.

look out for an army of house dwelling boomers here to reee about water pressure and elevators like it's still the 20th century
jesus christ I couldn't make up onemanarmy's idiocy

that's right, murdoch's the truth-teller we didn't know we needed

yeah it is soooo dumb

i mean the kind of dumb that makes me want to cry when i think about reading it

so I don't even read it......I just cry and scream out in pain instead

the kind of dumb that i can't even explain why it is so dumb but so dumb it makes my lip quiver and makes me want to shut off my mind way before listening to ANY OF it

the kind of dumb that i hate to hear so much that I don't want others to hear it and should just be called hate speech and made illegal

that way nobody can talk about it anymore and the world would be a better place for everyone everywhere.

that's the kind of truth i like and feel comfortable with Mr. Slave
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How many Jews are in the US Military?

a few hundred confirmed.......out of many millions enlisted

it might be one of the few things, few fields, despite making up 1.6% of US POPULATION, they are actually significantly underrepresented in per capita.

they see themselves as more leaders and policy creators than fighters here

Hotovely: US Jews lead ‘convenient’ lives, don’t serve in the military

lucky us

How many overt and covert operations has Israel conducted against countries illegally developing fissionable material to make nuclear weapons? Isn't that in our mutual interest?

which is pretty amazing considering they admit to owning nuclear weapons themselves but have signed up for NONE of the mandatory international nuclear agreement pacts, committees, etc.

The same things that they have bombed Iran over.....still want to bomb Iran over (who may or may not even have a functioning weapon)

Most Americans would place limitations on U.S. aid to Israel under laws triggered by its nuclear weapons program. When told the CIA believed Israel has nuclear weapons, 54.8% of Americans agreed that Arms Export Control Act limitations to the non-signatory to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) should apply.

Question: Arms Export Control Act law limits foreign aid to countries with nuclear weapons that haven’t signed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. CIA says Israel has nuclear weapons.


for more fun on this hilarious hypocrisy read about NUMEC affair

The NUMEC Affair: Did Highly Enriched Uranium from the U.S. Aid Israel's Nuclear Weapons Program? | National Security Archive

as with all things Israel there is what they demand others have to do.......and what they actually do. The two things never seem to coincide very well. In fact they are almost always 100% the exact opposite.

What is good for that goose.....never good for the gander.

Which is why they are CHOSEN PEOPLE

Israel is too busy fighting their own battles to make things worse by getting publicly involved in our own stupidity.


I can't imagine mumbling something like this with a straight face

believing this myself yet alone trying to con another human into buying it

this is stand up comedy cause you would fall off your seat sitting down and hearing someone say this out loud.

now that is chutzpah

Ex-Mossad chief Meir Dagan tells CBS News Americans should fight #Iran for Israel because Israel is scared to do it alone.


-Uses US to fight its battles & take blame
-Has called for US to attack Iran for 20yrs
-Orders US to assassinate Soleimani
-WH tells Israel about the strike before Congress

Netanyahu: “It’s a US event—we should stay out of it.”



Them and the 600 other US operating Israel lobbying pacs and gmos just want to be left alone and stay out of US policy creation for sure. :rofl:
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guys guys they just want to leave us alone

they don't want to meddle in our affairs or with our elections




isn't this the same god you talk to Gandalf?

well then that makes sense

the rest makes sense

you are like a jew but not allowed to go to their country during XMAS.....and would be spit on by these people any other time of the year

but would give your life......but perhaps more importantly all our lives for them

we call that a shit eating cuck in :flag:

where you raising another mans baby while being directly ridiculed and abused over it
This was what I was talking about with my friend yesterday. If we have to choose sides, and that's the part I don't really understand (something religion something Christianity chosen people), but if we have to choose sides I'd rather go with the smart intelligent group, (I truly despise the Muslim culture. I don't want another religion that can be turned to use as justification to kill others or take away rights introduced into our United States),,,,

But shouldn't we expect them to send their kids alongside us to fight? Shouldn't we see bowing down gratefulness? Shouldn't we at least see a recognition from them that we are doing it on their behalf??

I might not be a smart man but I do know that

No Iranian ever took over our country’s food supply with a religious tax and a disgusting, inhumane method of slaughtering animals.

No Iranian ever propagandized our children to change their genders, or sold them the hormones to do it.

No Iranian ever convinced my potential wife to think being a housewife and mother is oppressive, and that instead, getting a shitty corporate middle-management job was her road to happiness and empowerment.

No Iranian ever cut off my foreskin or normalized the mutilation of infant’s genitalia.

No Iranian ever tried to brainwash me to hate myself and my culture because of my race.

No Iranian ever created and profited off the opioid epidemic and caused hundreds of thousands of people to die and millions more to suffer.

No Iranian ever laughed and rejoiced at the thousands of suicides of my brethren.

like this guy

No Iranian ever used their rap labels and advertising monopolies to convince our daughters that it is “cool” to sleep with black men and act completely indecent.

No Iranian ever subverted my country’s political system in order to send our children off to die in destructive middle-eastern wars that don’t make the rest of the world hate the United States, and justifiable enact revenge on us.

Iranians didn’t fund & lobby for the 3rd world invasion of the US.

Iranians didn’t create a financial system designed to keep you in debt slavery.

They didn’t demand 8 yr olds learn about anal sex in school.

Who did?

If anyone can say or prove Iran then they are my enemy.

but so far I only see one enemy of my people and it is from someone the media and conservacucks call "our greatest ally"

this is why #1 policy push for GOP is more mandatory ANTI-BDS legislation

I mean if you can choose to boycott, not invest, or sanction Israel is screwed

if they have to play by any of the rules or laws or ethics that we set for other countries it is GAME OVER for them in the region

I mean the only thing worse than having to create laws to protect people who are so insufferable without them they would be kicked into the ocean, or die, is to do that on a nationalist level like we have

to endlessly subsidize their greater Israel expansion project and actual supremacy movements

we just keep doing it

in fact that is the only agenda we care about now......that is MAGA as you and kittycat keep pointing out

Brooklyn Reporter on Twitter:


Justin Brannan said:
This morning I spoke with the NYPD about "Patriot Front" and asked that they be investigated thru a new unit within their intelligence bureau known as "Racially & Ethnically Motivated Extremism (REME)" dedicated to investigating pernicious far-right and neo-Nazi orgs.

Justin Brannan on Twitter:

and that's where all our money goes

not just 94% of all DHS grants and loans

I want to ask the councilman if he is making any specific allegations against Patriot Front, and if not, what the 4th amendment implications of an intelligence agency investigation of Americans that aren't even alleged to have broken any law are.

but he isn't answering his phone for this topic

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they just want to stay out of it


other than being the only ones to know about the attack before it happened (like 9/11)

and you know giving them the GPS location and co-ordinates (according to asian intel sources)

and you know ALL of trumps major campaign contributors demanding it 24/7

The GOP’s Jewish Donors Are Abandoning Trump | FiveThirtyEight

US Jews contribute half of all donations to the Democratic party - The Jerusalem Post

and trumps admin being funded by Isreal who has pushed this for over 20 years

"they just want to wash their hands of this problem now"


what a sick fucking world with sicko supplicating people

enjoy your deli cuts Gandalf........I hope Christ does get a second shot

and the jews you now prostrate to kill him all over again

maybe it is funnier when Sarah Silverman wearing blackface says it (and means it)
How many Jews are in the US Military?

Please look this up I know I've seen stats here somewhere but it'd be great to find accuracy for sure. You just might get an earful about this.

Doh Earfulls Away ^^^
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Please look this up I know I've seen stats here somewhere but it'd be great to find accuracy for sure. You just might get an earful about this.

Yes, American Jews Do Serve

here they are bragging about this......:lol:

Thousands have fought in the 16-year-long war that began with the 9/11 attacks, and currently, there are 15,000 American Jews serving on active duty and an additional 5,000 serving in the Guard and the Reserves.

20k total........best case rounded up of course

Numbers of U.S. military service members vary by state, driven mostly by workforce levels at large bases. There were a total of 1.3 million active duty military and more than 800,000 reserve forces as of September 2017, according to Defense Department personnel data.

basic math says.......20k/2.1M = 0.95%

so not even 1 in 100......and these could be people who call themselves JEW-ISH (not even actual Jew)

So still WAYYYY under represented........

and the comments from antisemits and their anecdotes

Sam said:
I have served the past 18 years but American Jews do not serve proportionally as we once did. American Jews serve at .5% comprising 1.4% of the population. During WWII Jews made up 4.3% of the armed forces; today .9% seemingly proving her point.

Hanoch fields said:
In my experience as a Jewish Chaplain for the last 23 years we are about .2% of the military now. We are a mature immigrant population that has other opportunities. I am thrilled to serve the Jews in the military but I understand why we are not proportionally represented.
The People of Afghanistan are called Afghans;the currency is Afghanis..

but what do they know......we no longer keep stats on this for a (((good))) reason is my guess. Same reason Swedes don't count crime stats.

Boomer neocons can instantly shoot off 6 Million Jews died in Holocaust

They know this number more than their SSN and Medicare number.

but have no idea or concern for the other 79 Million goys who died in WW2

They will squeal out loud if a Democrat tries to spend one of their pennies on higher taxes.........but make no noise if a foreign country demands blood sacrifice from their children to fight for their expansion goals in a region on the opposite side of the planet that will not benefit our nation, our people, one iota.

In fact it will cost us many more Trillions.
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