[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Guy said in his opinion the investigation was just a part of the dialogue and not critical to getting a meeting.

Ok, so military aid is not linked, the investigation is not linked, just wondering what other diplomatic gossip is still swirling around

Couldn’t be any more disastrous for the derpricrats. Whatever good will they had left was squandered on another goose chase. One is left to wonder, is there any allegation that the democrats won’t jump into head first? I think if I called up Schiff right now and told him Trump had a purple penis that spit out skittles he’d be filing a subpoena for his underpants.

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I think the best part was that Vinman spoke to the Whistleblower and then Schiff shut it down..

I really can't believe the Democrats are actually this stupid.
I see that the MSM is splitting at the seams attempting to give this investigation any credibility. The bits of corn are already making their way past the seams. Not much longer now till the shitnado touches down in incompetenceville.

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you judging behavior? :lol:

Cael wakes and goes to bed screaming ORANGE MAN BAD

laughing at WASHPO adjusting color and contrast on Trump images


telling me this makes me a Nazi now


imagine what he would think about our Yellow fever for his Asian women
of course, it's normal non-nazi behavior to make all the jews in pictures blue

that isn't very nice

i had no idea the color blue was so offensive to use

I was just reminding everyone how many "TRUE BLUE" DEMOCRATS were in the room with Trump

Assisting and influencing all of our social media

Handing out leisure vacation flights to Epstein islands etc

American Jewish voters still despise Trump

26 percent favorability among Jewish voters

I mean was there another color I should have been using here?



What color should never Trumpers, who primarily tend to be Jewish, be depicted as SAFE from now on?


now I feel like Sharpshooter being this disengenuous

I feel like I should paint myself blue if I keep this subversion of true intent down much longer.

might even accidentally blow my own whistle
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Always fascinates me when we are told we are supposed to give two shits about satan, er israel. Like why would I care? I'm an American. Not an israeli.

that's the amazing part about our current system

we are getting hammered from both sides

no wonder they call :flag: us ALL nazis

capitalism = profits are privatized, loses are privatized

socialism = profits are public, loses are public

we have some hybrid system that makes profits privatized (benefiting ZIONISTS like BLOOMBERG, KRAFT, Soros, etc) and makes debt burden and deficits and loses socialized (and on the tax payer so agitators like Bernie and Robert Reich can get more power)

Political And Social Conflict Is Accelerating: Heres Why... | Zero Hedge


Here's the core self-reinforcing dynamic in my view:

1. The status quo elites can no longer mask soaring costs of essentials nor soaring wealth / income inequality between the top .01% (Oligarchs), the top 9.99% who enrich the Oligarchs with their discretionary spending and technocratic/managerial labor, and the bottom 90% who are rapidly losing ground on all fronts: economic, social and political.

2. The elites' "fixes" to the social / political conflicts unleashed by the rigged financial system and winner take most economic order are politically expedient, meaning they don't actually address the sources of conflict, they merely paper them over with PR as a means of preserving the elites' wealth and power.

3. The elites' fundamental financial "fix" is to create trillions in newly issued currency and distribute it to the banks, financiers, super-wealthy families and global corporations-- the top .01% Oligarchs.

4. This "fix" accelerates the asymmetric distribution of wealth by enabling the already-wealthy to buy more productive assets, fund stock buybacks, etc., while forcing the bottom 90% to borrow money from the Oligarchs to make ends meet: the rich get richer, the poor get more indebted.

5. The only possible output of these inputs (political expediency to preserve the elites' wealth and power, the creation and distribution to the Oligarch class of trillions in new currency) is the acceleration of the very erosion that fueled social / political conflicts in the first place. In effect, the elites' "fixes" are accelerating the conflicts that will ultimately lead to their downfall.

That's what I'm seeing as well

the rats eating one another......each side pushing for more extremes to justify further theft and abuse of power for their own personal gains and benefit

This is why the unraveling cannot be reversed or stopped: all the enormous efforts being expended by the elites to maintain the status quo exactly as it is now, with the vast majority of wealth and power in their hands, preclude the structural changes needed to re-set the status quo onto a more sustainable (i.e. more transparent, productive, efficient and decentralized) and less rigged-to-benefit-the-few path.

All the status quo "fixes" only hasten the collapse of the status quo. My longtime colleague Gordon T. Long has laid out the stages of this inevitable descent into conflict and collapse in a series of charts which we discuss in our latest video conversation Coming Era of Political & Social Conflict (29:13).

These stages are predictable because human nature is predictable. That elites will follow a pathway of expediency to preserve their wealth and power is predictable, and this pathway includes the debauchment of currency (printing ever greater sums to add to their wealth and placate the masses), the substitution of credit for capital, the political disenfranchisement of the masses, increasingly oppressive financial repression and social / political conflicts that spiral out of control as the inherently unstable financial house of cards collapses

And that's the ballgame


Those who rent seek and usury the most, the worst, obviously the most upset with any changes to the system that has to change or will end up killing itself.

nazi autist lmao

just because you were born mentally ill


or toxic smoked yourself :ftard:

doesn't make there anything wrong with me

nobody else on this planet would destroy their future......ruin their families future......their nation in order to not be called a word that only you give a fuck about


that would be award winning if you changed the characters names around
I mean I say "ITS OK TO BE WHITE"

and they want me expelled

my life ruined


there is a sickness in the western world......HUMPDUMBINS is infected to his core


the rest of the world isn't


this dude killed upwards of 1 in 3 people on planet


I am digging that idea atm

When youre told you can’t have a 'border' or sane immigration policy because 'its racist' or 'the Holocaust' we’re going to start picking at this 'original sin' idea.

'What does something that happened in Germany 80 years ago have to do with me now? Who cares..'

If everything I do is racist.......

then call me a racist

If that makes me a Nazi


then what? LMAO you out of ammo game is over

I haven't even laced up my storm boots
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I see that the MSM is splitting at the seams attempting to give this investigation any credibility. The bits of corn are already making their way past the seams. Not much longer now till the shitnado touches down in incompetenceville.

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Could also just be that most people in the real world understand corruption when they see it.

I’m fully aware the MSM has ulterior motives often but the MSM outside of Fox News is somewhat based in the reality. Lol. I’m sure you guys all think Jews are controlling the messaging with mind lasers or some shit though. Ha.