[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Anyone see the Zukerberg quote about vetting reporters instead of fact checking as part of their war on fake news? Can't seem to find it now.
Former Defense Secretary Gen. James Mattis roasts Donald Trump: 'I earned my spurs on the battlefield' - ABC News
Former Defense Secretary James Mattis roasted his former boss at the Alfred E. Smith dinner in New York City on Thursday night.

"I earned my spurs on the battlefield; Donald Trump earned his spurs in a letter from a doctor," Mattis said.
“It’s been a year since I’ve left the administration, the recovery process is going well," he joked. "The counselor says I’ll graduate soon. A year according to White House time is about 9,000 hours of executive time or 1,800 holes of golf."
lmao this should spur some 'tism tantrumps
gotta give props to fool for his dedication to being a bigger pathetic shill day in and day out butt slapping 24/7 with boomer dipshits