[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

now now even the best of us are tempted by the siren song of socialism

i'm confident havax will see the error of his ways
i've been on the record that we should cancel medicare, medicaid, and social security immediately and all remaining money in these program should go straight to paying down debt

glad we're on the same page

end it now!!

u sir are a patriot and scholar

ez pz reset squeezee
The Court ruled that there is no contractual right to receive Social Security payments. Payments due under Social Security are not “property” rights and are not protected by the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment. The interest of a beneficiary of Social Security is protected only by the Due Process Clause

Flemming v. Nestor - Wikipedia

Oh good. I can refuse to pay ss then. Fuck u kotz
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KK is right - pretty much a ponzi scheme. They have tricks to keep it afloat but at some point, people are going to get even more screwed. They already do in some cases. Whatever. It's a stupid program and it should be abolished.
I wake up every single day thinking to myself that I've just got to make more money so my taxes can support farmers hurt by our trade war with china, help your comrades or we will bash ur SS with a bike lock
Superflu will save social security. That's the point of flu shots. One year they will change it from a vaccine to an active virus and wipe out a ton of old people.
I wake up every single day thinking to myself that I've just got to make more money so my taxes can support farmers hurt by our trade war with china, help your comrades or we will bash ur SS with a bike lock
25 billion farm subsidies vs. 500 billion in trade deficit...

Yeah, I can totally see how that 25 billion can keep you up at night that is set by a Democratic congress, signed by a RINO POTUS. Corn, soybean, wheat, cotton and rice commodity market needs protection because SEC allowed mega-corporations to consume all the private farms so they can get this obscene corporate welfare that pales in comparison to the $160 billion dollars that illegal aliens get every year.

The simple solution is to allow farmers to grow what they want - what the market demands - and not what the commodity market wants: corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton and rice. Especially since discovering that Ethanol Worse for Climate Than Gasoline. But, big-Agri is BIG business and they want that free money that Congress gives them.
farming is the most socialist part of the economy

the usda literally exists to shovel money to these little reds and their rural communities
Sam can u explain to me why having a trade deficit with a country who we dont sell advanced military hardware to is a bad thing?

Because I just cant find a fuck to give about that statistic.

You seem to think going ag socialist will fix a non problem.
You assume that I am supporting government subsidies which is absurd. I don't support any government welfare for anyone or anything.

But telling the retard American public that 'free' trade is good, and leaving out the fact that every trading partner with the US places tariffs on US goods, while claiming they are bad if we do it, is, well, retarded.

Free trade as we know it is fucking lame. It was designed for US and EU corporations to pack up shop in America and move their company into the 3rd world to take advantage of the slave wage labor and little to no environmental laws, and turn around and sell those goods back to us 'free' of trade tariffs. Meanwhile, millions upon millions of Americans are now FORCED to live on government welfare/handouts to survive because the US corporations/jerbs moved out of the US.

And then these very same corporations get together and agree to the Paris 'Peace' Accord which is taxing the American public to give to these US corporations in these 3rd world countries so they will cut their emissions, rather than moving back to the US, set up shop, employ Americans and work with our environmental laws which will force them to cut their emissions.

But yeah, Farm subsidies are Trump fault. He is the first POTUS to ever use them you know...

Report: Ukraine ‘Whistleblower’ Had ‘Professional Relationship’ with 2020 Democrat
The intelligence community inspector general testified Friday to congressional investigators that the so-called “whistleblower” who mischaracterized President Donald Trump’s call with the leader of Ukraine had a previous “professional relationship” with a 2020 Democrat candidate, according to the Washington Examiner.

“The IG said [the whistleblower] worked or had some type of professional relationship with one of the Democratic candidates,” one person with knowledge of inspector general Michael Atkinson’s testimony told the Examiner’s Byron York.

Washington Examiner: Whistleblower had 'professional' tie to 2020 Democratic candidate

Now, however, there is word of more evidence of possible bias on the whistleblower's part. Under questioning from Republicans during last Friday's impeachment inquiry interview with Atkinson, the inspector general revealed that the whistleblower's possible bias was not that he was simply a registered Democrat. It was that he had a significant tie to one of the Democratic presidential candidates currently vying to challenge President Trump in next year's election.

"The IG said [the whistleblower] worked or had some type of professional relationship with one of the Democratic candidates," said one person with knowledge of what was said.

"The IG said the whistleblower had a professional relationship with one of the 2020 candidates," said another person with knowledge of what was said.

"What [Atkinson] said was that the whistleblower self-disclosed that he was a registered Democrat and that he had a prior working relationship with a current 2020 Democratic presidential candidate," said a third person with knowledge of what was said.
^^^^Two birds with one stone
plus Bernie's 'heart-attack'

killary's almost good to go
who else has to drop before she joins race

maybe this lie will hurt Pocahontas enough to get rid of her?
(it's ok to say that and call her names that reference back to her lie Vanster)
Footage appears to dispute Warren claim she lost teaching job for being 'visibly pregnant'
Elizabeth Warren Lied About Losing Teaching Job Because She Was
oh here's one that's sticking with her
Elizabeth Warren pregnancy claim: Democratic presidential candidate stands by her account of being pushed out of her first teaching job - CBS News
oh maybe not
"...The Washington Free Beacon reported on a transcript from contemporaneous local school board meetings, also obtained by CBS News, which said Warren was rehired that spring and that the board "accepted with regret" her "resignation" the following summer.

In fact, the school board minutes show that the board voted by unanimous roll call to extend Warren a "provisional certificate" in speech pathology..."

make way
here come's killary
with no competition

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