[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread


we have to stop white nationalists at any cost

what is a white nationalist

anyone who is white

anyone who cares about what was once their nation

anyone white who owns or looked at a red MAGA hat according to this guy

A top federal prosecutor in Ohio just sent a harsh message to white supremacists - CNN

you are on their list......in fact the top of their list

now above even ISIS and AL QAEDA (now that we use them to destabilize Assad in Syria after Libya)


even though the shooting in DAYTON, where this moron is speaking from, involved an antifa twat who got help from John Brown Gun Club and followed and quoted hard left DSA material.
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Ask mollie how she feels about white ppl


Oh well least we got them tacos and kabobs while we watch this clown world burn

the 5 time deported illegal felon

who shot and killed KATE with a stolen park ranger gun

just got off because he only instantly touched the gun.

like a dropped cookie there was an unspoken 5 second rule

if you just touch it for a few seconds it isn't even murder

it doesn't even count as a crime they said


I mean it doesn't get any more tacoriffic than this verdict

it proves the gun really did do the crime.

it just set that poor illegal alien felon homeless man up

like the true monster guns are

Gun possession conviction reversed in Kate Steinle shooting - Los Angeles Times


That they will not enforce against the real criminals
many more months than Bernie getting elected

or you having a job that pays more than 1k euros a month despite being in college long enough to obtain multiple PhD's

jokes on DRUMPF and his golden toilets though

Portugal's President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa has hit out at the extent of poverty in this country, deeming it “disgraceful” in this day and age

President slams Poverty - The Portugal News

I thought the Portuguese socialist revolution in 74 solved all this poverty

what on Earth is going on here

has to be Bolsenaro's fault or something

A lot of people wonder why you are so worried about :flag: when your own country sucks so bad.......

I would remind them that even a dumb dog knows where the food is. what a warm bed and functioning infrastructure might look like elsewhere.
Yeah but we won't. You know why? b/c we are white ppl and we don't just quit and bail out and let everything go to shit just b/c there are a few problems.

That's how/why we built civilization and the First World.

i feel like we do bail though when we can't control the area

that is what white flight is

that is what happened to most nations we colonized throughout history

what happened to Haiti and Rhodesia (next up South Africa)

what White people did to any of the :flag: big cities in past 50 years

nobody wants to put roots down in toxic soil

if there is a place to flee to we will do that

because it takes less effort to make the South Pole or Mars inhabitable for White people than it is getting millions of intellectually and genetically inferior people who work against your efforts to be part of your civilization or share even similar priorities.

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until, well, it obviousy isn't.

the 30 other police calls to Cruz's house should have been more than enough.......and was more than enough imo. He was in and out of the system more than you and your friends were. And you are also disqualified from owning a firearm yet brag openly on here about having one. *RED FLAG*

well obviously it wasn't. i'll go out on a limb and talk out of my ass and claim that at least three of the other mass shooters in the past 3 years had family or frens that reported the unstable nature of the gun owner. heh

Listen fuck stick we all know the plan. Nobody on this forum isn't wise to the game or the true goal..........total white christian disarmament as protected classes gain a new justice system that no longer criminally prosecutes them

RW ree that's going to get another AWB. i don't know what would be better... cpttele being a russian bot, or being pleb enough to buy into grug-tier russko shit memes.


President slams Poverty - The Portugal News

I thought the Portuguese socialist revolution in 74 solved all this poverty

ITT the bleating singing RW canard canary extols the white superioriteh of caplolism while criticizing a country that can't print it's way out of poor financial policy

edit- holy reddit spacing
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Been around the world and found
That only stupid people are breeding
The cretins cloning and feeding
And I don't even own a tv
this might be possible if rebublicans came on board with this shit instead of knee-jerk ree any time it's mentioned. your going to get an AWB past with all the hemhawing after another few mass shootings. cruz should not have had a gun, nor the waffle house shooter and a few others. pass some good laws

After his family died, he threatened to kill himself. So the police took his guns. - The Washington Post

But there is no way to get around that.

How do you think you could make SURE that people who shouldn't have weapons, don't get them? You can't. The only way any efforts to curtail those that aren't legally able to get a weapon is with more laws...cool..but that only works if they go into gunshops and buy from legit gun dealers who have a license and don't want to lose it. Those that shouldn't legally be able to get guns, can STILL acquire firearms if they do it through illegal channels. That will never change.

You can't do any deeper background checks. Because there is nothing you can ever do in the way of a background check that is going to predict that the completely innocent choirboy standing in front of you is going to snap in 6 months and clear out a 7-11

There is ZERO you can do in the way of gun legislation that will reduce gun violence. The problem is not the gun, the problem is the person. The people that are fucked up, medicated to the eyeballs, fed a steady diet of shit we know is practically poisoned in the field, or created in a lab and its shit from the first molecule that hits a test tube. Then take this medicated whacked out person and constantly bombard them with the violence of the world, social media, youtube and its like you're pretty much making a timebomb, then everyone is shocked when it goes off and there is a pile of dead bodies outside a movie theater
This is why gun laws don't work according to the dems/left/faggots. Open borders destroys this argument of course but you can't explain that to them.

Yeah because most of the states you can drive across the border and get a gun!

Thats why trump says red flag laws must be mandatory nationwide! Orange man good! MIGA!