[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Lol havax trying to full backpedal instead of having self dignity

Dude is a jared kushner shill anyway :lol: sad! Zionist shill doeant have dignity? Shocking!
estrogen fem bot warriors united!!!

they think their tears ran off conservatives last time

silenced this thread

so they are doubling the flow for this weekend already

Why hasn't a video game been developed
Global SSocialists
National Capitalists

Playing as a national capitalist you would lose money if you let their acid tears hit you or if you're in ear range of hearing them rant and re. You step over sleeping bums carefully so as not to wake them and be mobbed of your money. Gangs of antifa. In your favor though you have stand your ground and the Second Amendment...

someone else can come up with the Global Socialist side
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