[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Im not really hating on trump for buying fast food, but jesus dude, you're a billionaire and the POTUS. You mean to tell me the Piggly Wiggly doesn't sell steaks in D.C.?
i really don't give two shits if trump buys fast food to feed a bunch of college football players. i don't even care if he didn't feed them at all, and just gave them a tour.

liberals are really upset that he didn't buy them all $100+ per plate Ruth Chris with our taxpayer money for tens of thousands of dollars.

reeee on
Super important things of what liberals grasp onto; What Trump buys with his own money for football players visit in the White House. Hmm
Meanwhile nothing being said any more about the FBI fishing into Trump's life to ruin America. And the libcucks just Rhian about how Mexico was supposed to pay for the border wall. Super super important stuff...
But continue not discussing the fact that the border wall should be built or the fact that we would have been overrun by 'refugees' with any other Administration.
Three-quarters of illegal immigrants don't think the border wall should be built at all.
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I can't tell you how many times I've been to a company meeting or a huge convention where they cater lunch and all they have is like Jason's deli or Zoe's kitchen or their own shitty cafeteria food. fuck all that shit I'd take the Trump meal any day.
ya funny how none of the Clemson players are talkin shit

by all reports they were super fucking pumped about it

I mean how fucked are our priorities that this is news?

lets talk about how these kids work themselves to death, most will develop CTE and other physical ailments for the rest of their lives for no pay under the NCAA who makes billions off of their work and punishes them for even trying to make a little bit of that cash. I think that's a better story.

also they won a fucking football game and got to go to the white house and meet the president. there was no obligation for trump to invite them at all.

for a fucking football game
Gotta love Trump. Govt shutdown? No problem. Cater in fast food on your own dime. Kids loved it. No doubt. And if they didn't? Fuck em if they can't take a joke. You know who a fast food monster was? Big Bill Clinton.
This is some hard hitting journalism right here, the Anti-Trumpers feast on this shit.

If you want to see what an anti-trump feeding frenzy looks like. Go check out CNN.com's politics page on facebook. They are churning out any negative thing they can about Trump and anyone attached to him about every 10 minutes
Anyone notice when maga is at an all time low

wtf makes you think it is low?

Trump is standing strong against democrats who themselves are on record saying that illegal immigrants a bad fucking thing, but now orange man bad.

Libs keep posting shit about how the wall won't work when they have their own walls at home...except they are not at home right now. They are on vacation while their own people are not getting paychecks but Trump stayed at work and paid for the food. Good example of the liberal reeee is calling a $3000 food bill he paid for "extravagant".

Trump will not cave. He knows that his supporters are behind him. He will build the wall, and the left will implode with AOC taking over!