[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

another ridiculous post by kotz as he f5s t_d

Its ok to admit you were naive and wrong bro

We all did even tele knows hes a jared pawn for soros

You dont need to keep reeein on t_d all day the memes aint even good bro


Time to swallow your pride

You only look like a sad globalist cuck now

Sad bro sad!
If you don't know Jew control by now, you are fairly naive.. it is the alternative right now that is the problem.

Things change though
Its ok to admit you were naive and wrong bro

We all did even tele knows hes a jared pawn for soros

You dont need to keep reeein on t_d all day the memes aint even good bro


Time to swallow your pride

You only look like a sad globalist cuck now

Sad bro sad!

you be you, bro.

keep on reeeein on tw all day

ur memes are so good, bro


President Donald Trump claimed Thursday that his oft-made 2016 campaign promise that he would build a wall and Mexico would pay for it didn't mean it would be a direct payment, despite outlining just that scenario during his campaign.


this shit is just 2 funny
also u r v partisan if u think this Presidency is a dumpster fire

so i guess that means the 50 percent of americans that disapprove are partisan shills :lol:
also u r v partisan if u think this Presidency is a dumpster fire

so i guess that means the 50 percent of americans that disapprove are partisan shills :lol:

Well now that is an opinion isn't it? Some would say Trump is turning government on its ear.. and still others would say that is a good thing.. around half of the citizens in America said that
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epidemic most centrist unbiased poster

most centrist unbiased forum :lol:

Crybabies. They do not understand that the president cannot buckle to corpses and babies like the house.

Dems are causing a national security issue.

The Schumer shutdown can end today if he stops with the theatrics.

you have to wonder if people like this are dumb enough to actually believe their bullshit

mind bottling