[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

you don't say.......you don't say

Architect of Cuomo’s Buffalo Billion Project Is Convicted in Bid-Rigging Scheme

The bigger the government, the bigger the corruption. That’s just the way it is. The temptation is bigger because there’s a bigger pile of taxpayer booty to spread around. This in turn attracts more cronies who then write crony regs and pass crony laws to further enrich themselves via taxpayer money.

This is one of the reasons we always point out that socialism, which politicizes everything in life, is by its very nature crony. Bureaucrats should be few and they should generally be poorly paid.
also pertinent to earlier discussion

Clinging to Collusion: Why Evidence Will Probably Never Be Produced in the Indictments of ‘Russian Agents’

Until Friday however, the investigation into the allegations had produced no formal indictment of Russian government interference in the election. Like previous U.S. government accusations against Russia for alleged election meddling, the indictment makes assertions without providing evidence. Under U.S. law, indictments are not considered evidence. And it is highly unlikely that the government will ever have to produce any evidence in court.

Friday’s indictments do not include any charges against Trump campaign members for allegedly colluding with the Russian government to carry out the hacks. That has been at the core of allegations swirling in U.S. media for two years. If the alleged co-conspirators “known” to the DOJ were on the Trump team, the indictments do not say. There is only a hint that “unknown” persons might be.

this is the epitome of pointing to things that already happened to justify doing something you know you shouldn't be doing........or continuing a witch hunt
The most frustrating thing to me is how easily most people are distracted.

Media ++ It is the shiny bauble and what others think around them.

If 60% of College people were super right and on the border wall etc, How do you think the other 40% would be?

Vanster might be an exception of course because of well..you know, science.
:flag: Trump says hes running in 2020 :flag:

US President Donald Trump says he intends to run for re-election in 2020 because "everybody wants me to" and there are no Democratic candidates who could defeat him.

Asked by British journalist Piers Morgan in an interview given on Friday whether he was going to run in 2020, Trump was quoted by Britain's Mail on Sunday newspaper as saying: "Well I fully intend to. It seems like everybody wants me to".

Trump said he did not see any Democrat who could beat him: "I don't see anybody. I know them all and I don't see anybody."
by 2020 hillary will hav to show up as a head in a jar futurama style

More like this Except "THE BITCH THAT WOULDN'T DIE"
No, we can't.

>Trump will never run
>Trump will never release his financials
>Trump will never breach 15%
>Trump will never win NH
>Trump will never breach 25%
>Trump will never win SC
>Trump will never breach 35%
>Trump will never breach 50%
>Trump will never reach 1237
>Trump will never recover after WI
>Trump will never win unbound delegates
>Trump will never recover after CO
>Donald, hand over the delegates...
>Trump will never be the GOP nominee
>Trump is predicting the wrong outcome for BREXIT
>Trump will never pivot to the general election
>Trump will never unify the majority of the GOP
>Trump will never poll better than Clinton in a swing state
>Trump will never become the President of the United States of America

>Trump will never build the Wall
>Trump will never block risky or illegal aliens
>Trump will never deport illegal aliens
>Trump will never bring back manufacturing jobs
>Trump will never rescind Common Core
>Trump will never renegotiate our trade deals
>Trump will never win a second term
>Trump will never abolish Obamacare

So where are we at with this list? Does more MAGA need to be added?
Or, figure out how to prevent foreign nations from carrying out cyber attacks on our soil and compromising our elections no matter the winner or losers. That seems like an important thing to consider, research prevention measures, and raise awareness about especially for our super old and idiotic politicians.

there is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America’s elections, in part because they’re so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved.

there’s no evidence that that has happened in the past or that there are instances in which that happened this time.
Heap big TRIGGERED: Elizabeth Warren demands Trump ‘get your butt on a plane’ home RIGHT NOW!

President Trump’s meeting with Vladimir Putin is scheduled for Monday, but Sen. Elizabeth Warren is demanding the president instead head for home this instant:

DOJ's criminal charges provide hard evidence that Russian intel agents attacked America to boost their favorite candidates, undermine others, and influence our elections. @realDonaldTrump, cancel your ridiculous Putin summit and get your butt on a plane back to the United States.

— Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) July 13, 2018

We don’t recall Warren being quite so apoplectic about all this when it was going on during Obama’s final year and he said he told Putin to “cut it out.”

Wasnt this during the Obama years. Please stop talking. I can only take so many aspirins.

— jim beecher (@jimbo19672) July 14, 2018

And no collusion and @BarackObama let it go on Elizabeth Warren on Twitter:

— m morgan (@kd8ctl) July 14, 2018

Elizabeth, poor Elizabeth…. the “hacking” happened during Obama’s administration. Where were you then with all your outrage? Get over yourself, I can assure you, we all have!

— TFine (@tfinefine) July 14, 2018

Speaking of ridiculous…how's that DNA test coming Lizzy? Elizabeth Warren on Twitter:

— Jessie Jane Duff (@JessieJaneDuff) July 13, 2018

Scotts aren't known for their intelligence. They will repeat as gospel anything told to them in a pub by a mate.