[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Time's covers are always ripe for memes.

My personal favorite:
Oh boy! This is hella fun.

I like this part,
The bill provides that “[a]n agent or officer of a designated agency shall be prohibited from removing a child from his or her parent or legal guardian at or near the port of entry or within 100 miles of the border of the United States”
"First, “designated agency” here is defined as the entirety of the federal departments of Homeland Security, Justice, and Health and Human Services."
If you want to live lawlessly, make sure you do it within 100 miles of the border and you have a child with you at all times.
seriously why are these progressive retards so deranged and triggered by trump

Cognitive dissonance. They spent 10 years convincing themselves that there would never be a white male President again, let alone a Republican. Their ideas were more popular, they were on the right side of history, etc. Their worldview was in complete control, everything good was due to them, everything bad was due to someone else.

So when Hillary sponsored media coverage made a straw man, they bit hard. "This man represents everything wrong with everything!" they were told. "Yes, this man represents everything wrong with everything and therefore I will vote for the embodiment of purity and goodness, Hillary Clinton!".

They woke up Wednesday morning realizing that 60,000,000 of their neighbors didn't share their worldview. 60,000,000 saw past the straw man. They were ok with a white male President. They were ok with a Republican. This was horrific. They were supposed to be in charge forever. Their way was the correct way, how could anyone be so dumb?

The discomfort sets in. Was my world view wrong? Did I misjudge the popularity of my ideas? Is it possible that I fell for the most basic of propaganda techniques? No, that's impossible. I must be correct. The straw man must be real. I will overreact to everything that supports it, and deny everything that contradicts it. To admit it means admitting to over a decade of believing something that wasn't true.
"Zero Tolerance" is the new policy applied to interpret the law differently than the last 2 administrations. Its a policy that is part of a strategy to deter immigration by breaking up families and detaining children away from their parents.

People aren't upset about returning families back to Mexico after they've been caught illegally entering the country - that is a straw man argument that most will not defend. They're upset about a govt that abuses kids as a policy. Where are the pizzagate truthers when real harm is being done to kids?

ya, it's a good one

progressive memes r disappointing overall, esp considering that every graphic designer in the world is ~WITH [H]ER~
Cognitive dissonance. They spent 10 years convincing themselves that there would never be a white male President again, let alone a Republican. Their ideas were more popular, they were on the right side of history, etc. Their worldview was in complete control, everything good was due to them, everything bad was due to someone else.

So when Hillary sponsored media coverage made a straw man, they bit hard. "This man represents everything wrong with everything!" they were told. "Yes, this man represents everything wrong with everything and therefore I will vote for the embodiment of purity and goodness, Hillary Clinton!".

They woke up Wednesday morning realizing that 60,000,000 of their neighbors didn't share their worldview. 60,000,000 saw past the straw man. They were ok with a white male President. They were ok with a Republican. This was horrific. They were supposed to be in charge forever. Their way was the correct way, how could anyone be so dumb?

The discomfort sets in. Was my world view wrong? Did I misjudge the popularity of my ideas? Is it possible that I fell for the most basic of propaganda techniques? No, that's impossible. I must be correct. The straw man must be real. I will overreact to everything that supports it, and deny everything that contradicts it. To admit it means admitting to over a decade of believing something that wasn't true.

JBP talks about this. It's more than just their worldview. It's their entire concept of reality. Their subjective reality is one where it was Her Turn and she was 98% to win (the MSM polls were "right"); Donald Trump is a racist, homophobic, misogynist bigot (basically the single worst thing a person can be in their reality); everything Trump does or says leads inevitably to our collective, horrific deaths; and political correctness, social justice, and True Socialism™ are the only things righteous and good in the world.

They wholesale reject objective reality. At their convenience, objective reality is racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, islamophobic, etc, etc. And the social media bubbles they live in merely serve to reinforce that belief.

It's wild, man.
TDS Level Up: Police: Florida Man Threatened to Kill Rep. Brian Mast’s Children over Trump Policy

Laurence Key of Stuart, Florida was arrested Tuesday after allegedly threatening to kill Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL) and his three young children over the Trump administration’s immigration policy.

Key reportedly phoned Rep. Mast’s D.C. office on Monday, warning the intern who received the call that he was going to “find the congressman’s kids and kill them,” say court documents filed in U.S. District Court.

“If you are going to separate kids at the border, I’m going to kill his kids,” Key said in one of 478 calls to Mast’s office, according to the filings. Key also allegedly contacted Senators Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio.

“Key told an FBI investigator and Martin County sheriff’s deputy he never threatened to kill Mast’s children, but admitted he said ‘Mast should be separated from his kids’ if he supported the Trump administration policy,” reports Treasure Coast Palm.

The Stuart man was charged with threatening to kidnap or injure a person and is scheduled for arraignment on July 2 in St. Lucie County, Florida.

Rep. Mast, an Army veteran who lost both his legs while serving in Afghanistan, has not issued a statement on the incident.

based on the article content, it looks like 478 calls all on monday :cool:

oh ya, pic related:

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What they don't understand is it's not being upset that's the problem, it's the level of hysteria. It's a reasonable position to be upset about children being separated from parents and put into an enclosure. What's not reasonable is the histrionics after spending 8 years completely silent on the issue. Going from one extreme to the other implies you were either ignorant of the issue, or only interested in it for ideological reasons, neither of which is an appealing position.