[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

this is on the jails home page.. I doubt they are related to the jail but I am going to say they are jail activities

I will say this, rich man's prison is way , way better than poor man's prison.

Edit.. I should say I have a "I survived 3 days in a Tijuana jail" t-shirt
this is on the jails home page.. I doubt they are related to the jail but I am going to say they are jail activities


lol this has to be a lie

jails are truly horrible places where ull swim in shit and piss and get hep or hiv 99% of the time, violent criminals are reintegrated into society from a lot of jails, social programs happen at a minority of jails
So the FBI and DOJ officials that were supposed to be investigating Clinton and her emails all believed that she was going to win the CIC. Hell, everyone, myself included, believed she was going to win. And, as we have learned for the past 30 years, the Clintons, especially Shillary, is a very vindictive cunt. VVC.

The officials believed she was going to win so and knowing she is a VVC, they all decided that they would go soft on her or else...

This is what they are now all dealing with. They wanted to keep their cushy jerbs and serve for the 1st female CIC, so they let all kinds of illegal shit slide, and now no one has any faith in the FBI and DOJ. I am hoping that most Americans begin to view them as I do but I highly doubt it's that bad. If anything, their behavior should prove to all Americans that they are politically motivated and that this directly hurts us, the American people.

A couple of weeks ago, I finished watching all the Forensic Files shows on Netflix. Throughout the entire series, there are a lot of rock solid cases and a lot of extremely weak cases where the D.A. and prosecutors convict someone of a crime and get them sent away for life. Many of these cases, I cannot help but think they are politically motivated, meaning - these DA's and these prosecutors have advanced political careers in their sights. And if they want to become a congress critter or senator, they need to prove they were 'tough on crime', and in doing so, they don't care about the general public at all. They want the power.

And now, based off all the backhanded BS coming from the Obama FBI & DOJ with Shillary and now Trump, we as a nation fucked ourselves by allowing politically motivated individuals like Comey, Holder, and company, to prosecute many Americans as they rise in political power.

What a fucking shitshow this is.

Chinese media have mocked US President Donald Trump over plans to impose 25% tariffs on $50bn worth of Chinese goods, saying "wise men build bridges but fools build walls".

coming from the ppl who brought us the great wall

tbh i like this self-admission from the chinese media that china is history's greatest nation of fools (altho they have 2 ignore third world shitholes w/ median iq <80, like the confederate states of america, australia, portugal, canada, etc.)

so if i dont support gangster rap that glorifies murdering kid, and i vocalize it in a thread about gangsters trying to shoot a rival gang guy and ending up killing children im intolerant and get banned wat a joke

it totally is the fukin culture

so if i dont support gangster rap that glorifies murdering kid, and i vocalize it in a thread about gangsters trying to shoot a rival gang guy and ending up killing children im intolerant and get banned wat a joke

it totally is the fukin culture

dare is finally woke
DOJ report on James Comey effectively kills obstruction case vs. Trump

Any reasonable lawyer would recognize that the prosecutors just lose in that situation. Even if they still believe that Mr. Trump had evil in his heart, they are doomed in court. And for a prosecutor, what happens in court is what matters. If there is no reasonable expectation of getting a conviction, a prosecutor should not indict. That is DOJ policy, too.

As I used to tell clients, trials are not about what is true, they are about what you can prove in court. Any criminal obstruction case is now unprovable. It is time to move on.


trump/putin/pence 2018
goalposts are moving like crazy now :lol:

I think the point is that it doesn't matter that he is in jail.. who cares?

Is Paul Manafort about to take down the Trump regime? Whoa, there, let's not get too excited
Remember, the case against Manafort deals primarily with action taken before he became Trump’s campaign manager. The array of federal money laundering and conspiracy charges against Manafort are serious, especially with this new set of witness-tampering charges.

At best, though, those charges are pressure points for Mueller – as the risk of prison time becomes higher, the more incentive there is for Manafort to cut a deal and cooperate with Mueller on what he knows – if anything – about ties and contacts between the campaign and the Russians, or anything else, for that matter.

Presuming for the sake of argument that Manafort actually has information Mueller can use, he has a strategic gamble to make: Cooperate and enrage Trump, or sit pat and hope the pardon-happy president comes to his rescue (a long shot, that, given the political fallout).

For Manafort, the witness-tampering allegation is the second time he has allegedly behaved improperly since his indictment. The charges arose from contacts Manafort allegedly made with two witnesses, one of whom told investigators he believed Manafort was trying to get him to lie over the nature of Manafort’s lobbying efforts.

Earlier, Manafort co-wrote an op-ed in the Ukraine defending the work he had done there prior to joining Trump’s campaign. That appeared to violate a gag order in the case, though the judge did not sanction him then.

Still, Manafort behind bars is quite a fall for a guy who made millions lobbying on behalf of foreign governments and who played a significant role in getting Trump elected.