[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

you're bringing up hillary clinton in an argument about 2018 midterms


the year where Nancy Pelosi and Hillary can't remember that President Trump is their President.......but are still somehow the most likely people to lead the DNC as a party long into the future

fundraising was so important when you thought you had good numbers

now its not, just a page later

wow that's a strange flip flop

says the guy who has his leg cocked ready to kick a can before i post it

ready to move goal post locations before i can hit submit again


this must be what being DESPERATE for a win looks like

I mean I bet you can almost taste it

i am just saying that even giving you best case benefit of the doubt you are still a loser
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it is a regular pre-emptive victory dance dance revolution in here triple is running


we all know how well that worked out for him last time



but for the rest of those days I am :ftard:
fundraising was so important when you thought you had good numbers

now its not, just a page later

wow that's a strange flip flop

You're such an absolutist. Hillary outraised Trump, she spent more than Trump, she had better numbers than Trump. Hillary lost. Is it a solid indicator that raising less money is a bad sign for an election, sure. Taking it as an inevitable conclusion? Retarded.

Hillary would have a realistic shot at winning against trump while incarcerated

then she'd pardon herself

can't stop the hil-train
triple said:
Hillary would have a realistic shot at winning against trump while incarcerated

then she'd pardon herself

can't stop the hil-train

and he calls others a flip flopper


an actual fish would break his own back with these kind of turn around and intellectual inconsistences

I can't imagine having over 15 solid years of this behavior on any forum
You're comparing a statement about the parties to a statement regarding individual races and expected outcomes.
what's funny is tele googled "senate/house fundraising" and promptly ignored the top few results that proved him wrong in favor of articles from last fall that were more favorable

just goes to show where his head is at
what's funny is tele googled "senate/house fundraising" and promptly ignored the top few results that proved him wrong in favor of articles from last fall that were more favorable

just goes to show where his head is at

what's funny is ANY.DAY.NOW

but DOJ only seems to be arresting leakers and all your peeps be begging for immunity all of a sudden



maybe words are about to matter and your bullshit is at the end of its rope so to speak


and who the fuck STILL uses google?
I believe releasing podesta's phished emails to WL an hour after the access hollywood tape had some effect

weird how you don't mention that

weird how roger stone knew about it ahead of time

weird how don jr met a russian spy in trump tower and then lied about it

weird how donald trump literally asked the russian government to hack clinton's emails

CA is a lefty shithole with 53 seats in congress.

held hostage to the rest of the state, rest of the counties, who are fighting multiple different secession movements

and whose demographics are being openly back filled in exodus by open borders and illegals......

but you know FOREIGN MEDDLING!!!!


I mean we can't make this kind of stuff up.......but Adam Schiff sure tries

you sure gobble it all up like a good boy