[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

I like Trump's style. Shit's getting done.

Whiners gonna whine and bitches gonna bitch while the rest of the country is busy getting rich.

nah, he'll change his mind cuz iran deal

i'm fully reeeeeeeee as well

this will not stand

this will not stand, this aggression against the democratically elected leadership of the united states
John Kerry is a fucking traitor and needs to hang.

What was that law that says private citizens can't negotiate on behalf of the United States?

The Something Something Act, or w/e. You know.

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Logan act bans shit talking the shitbag president



Best hang me also then. I had a great time in Canada shit-talking that orange fat-ass in the bar with Canadians. Best I can tell, Pagy is the only and I mean ONLY Canadian that likes him, and I really doubt he talks about it in public. Like the rest of conservatives, they're only brave when they're at a rally or have their fat-ass planted in a computer chair.
Yeah if having dinner with your friends and talking about how dumb trump is was illgeal i think half the country would be guilty
Best hang me also then. I had a great time in Canada shit-talking that orange fat-ass in the bar with Canadians. Best I can tell, Pagy is the only and I mean ONLY Canadian that likes him, and I really doubt he talks about it in public. Like the rest of conservatives, they're only brave when they're at a rally or have their fat-ass planted in a computer chair.

this is generally true for the cities but we have an evangelical green belt
and I really doubt he talks about it in public. Like the rest of conservatives, they're only brave when they're at a rally or have their fat-ass planted in a computer chair.

yeah, people don't feel free to talk about supporting trump in public because liberals are mentally disturbed lunatics. congratulations, good job on being a fascist and stifling free speech.
Best hang me also then. I had a great time in Canada shit-talking that orange fat-ass in the bar with Canadians. Best I can tell, Pagy is the only and I mean ONLY Canadian that likes him, and I really doubt he talks about it in public. Like the rest of conservatives, they're only brave when they're at a rally or have their fat-ass planted in a computer chair.

They probably just didn't wanna offend the sloppy drunken injun
Best hang me also then. I had a great time in Canada shit-talking that orange fat-ass in the bar with Canadians. Best I can tell, Pagy is the only and I mean ONLY Canadian that likes him, and I really doubt he talks about it in public. Like the rest of conservatives, they're only brave when they're at a rally or have their fat-ass planted in a computer chair.

maybe you should have stayed in Canada?

I mean it sounds like that might make you happier

we will trade you for pagy, Amram.....the rest

and you know Stefan Molyneux, Lauren Southern, Jordan Peterson......

or over the pond to the UK with Paul Josheph Watson, Tommy Robinson, and anyone else I can think of off the top of my head that you have never once heard of.......because you can't name anyone in politics who hasn't been there for over 40 years (likely and coincidentally the last time you kept up on anything going on in real life)

There is actually an argument going around on Youtube where there doesn't appear to be any American Trump supporters who gained popularity, or appeal, besides Diamond and Silk you also never likely heard of either.

But you know..........do your thing First Nations

Canada Is Being Sued By Indigenous People For 150 Years of Back Rent

Go be with your Cuck King Trader Trudeau and pretend Owebama never got unseated.....the problem is that they likely do not want or need you up there

More US citizens — yes, citizens — are seeking refuge in Canada

Canadians aren't as accepting as we think — and we can't ignore it, writes Angus Reid

they actually and apparently have immigration requirements and don't just treat their nation they hate as an open borders glory hole like you beg for this nation you hate so much

really makes you think......well not you, per se, but people who enjoy thinking perhaps
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