[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Peter Strzok Had Personal Relationship With Recused Judge In Michael Flynn Case

Text messages obtained by The Federalist show that Peter Strzok and Lisa Page conspired to collude with Judge Rudolph Contreras, a FISA judge who presided over Michael Flynn's guilty plea and was later removed from the case.

Newly discovered text messages obtained by The Federalist reveal two key federal law enforcement officials conspired to meet with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) judge who presided over the federal case against Michael Flynn. The judge, Rudolph Contreras, was recused from handling the case just days after accepting the guilty plea of President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser who was charged with making false statements to federal investigators.

The text messages about Contreras between controversial Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) lawyer Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, the senior FBI counterintelligence official who was kicked off Robert Mueller’s special counsel team, were deliberately hidden from Congress, multiple congressional investigators told The Federalist. In the messages, Page and Strzok, who are rumored to have been engaged in an illicit romantic affair, discussed Strzok’s personal friendship with Contreras and how to leverage that relationship in ongoing counterintelligence matters.

Did Russia do anything lately that we should be focusing on? Oh, right... apparently, they killed a spy therefor, the whole world should burn, we say as our nation burns from within.
I'm kind of surprised the Xmen movies didn't get more shit for doing prequels so Professor X could walk.
so this walk out thing...

indoctrination at its finest. imagine if this was done under religious pretenses but billed as a 'peace and friendship march' and covertly coordinated with the catholic church or what-not

3 key pillars of the left, control of:

all kinds of good stories and illustrations of kids being suspended for not participating in this......kids being threatened for not complying or going along with the apparently now state mandated narrative.



it is ok......serious or not it doesn't matter


the hilarious idiot circus is fun to watch either way

and no i will not explain to you degenerate low t and iq shitlibs what molon labe means

you will just have to "experience" it for yourselves as the teachers say




worry about mental health you say?

he is probably a state sponsored mental health psychologist
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do they do walkouts for gun crime in chicago

we have a lot to learn from Chicago

Navy Medics Get Prepared for Combat—With Tour of Duty in Chicago

Shootings have been falling in city, but Cook County Hospital still offers rare training experience

and in terms of our government we mean that in all ways necessary to prepare for our collective future


Edit: Student suspended for not participating in an Anti-gun rally

u beat me to it

the one good thing about this is that it will produce two types of people

those who can question authority and those who just blindly comply and conform

and seeing as how it used to be the cis white males doing the compliance thing.....i am happy to see that there is soon going to be an all trans, sjw, snowflake army in the military soon.

those are the people i want being deployed over seas for now on

they need to be exposed to what their teachers and leaders want for their future first hand

now we can stand back and see what happens when a bag of shit is forged in the fires of hell
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States with the highest gun ownership rates have the highest suicide rates.

this is what good white people do when they realized they produced kids like you

they see what has happened to their once great country

you call those people nazis now

as you and your shitlib army kill others in hopes of taking more of their rights away later

and that appears to be working for reasons we can't figure out but hopefully soon address

Anyone else gets depressed after watching a few Mark Dice videos? At first, you can't help but laugh your ass off and then after the 3rd or 4th video, I no longer laugh and find it really fucking depressing.

sadly you begin to realize all those zombie movies were actually tutorials for how to handle our future
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Did Russia do anything lately that we should be focusing on? Oh, right... apparently, they killed a spy therefor, the whole world should burn, we say as our nation burns from within.


true story

one more American people will fight and die over very soon....not just citizens of Syria and Ukraine

sad stuff
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apparently the westburros church had a bulk sign discount


not the first or last time marxists used kids to push an agenda


“The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.”
I'm kind of surprised the Xmen movies didn't get more shit for doing prequels so Professor X could walk.

to be fair they fucked that up by the 3rd xmen movie, having a flashback with prof x walking around with magneto recruiting people

maybe now that disney owns this shit it won't be such a clusterfuck

I'm kind of surprised the Xmen movies didn't get more shit for doing prequels so Professor X could walk.

No the correct use of the movie would be that professor X mutated into an even more powerful (walking) black man played by Kanye West or Eurkel.