[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

why would businesses replace shitty overpaid employees for machines? only thing that would cause that is an increase to minimum wage or something stupid like that.

- Requires a smart phone. Most of the 25% of Americans who don't have smartphones are minorities, likely due to racist telecom services not giving them one.
- Requires a checking account. Most of the 8% of Americans who don't have checking accounts are minorities, likely due to racist banks not allowing them to sign up for one.
- Does not take EBT

Therefore, racist.
Just had nigger I used to know in Florida ask me for $20 because he needed to help out his sister who was getting abused by her bf. Told him it's not my fault she sucks at choosing men, and that it's his fault for not being able to figure out how to get $20. Blocked him on all social media. Dumb niggers.
the last thing we need is google's traffic being slowed down and treated unfairly so that they can continue to bring us fair and balanced uncensored content
why would businesses replace shitty overpaid employees for machines? only thing that would cause that is an increase to minimum wage or something stupid like that.

that's going 2 happen regardless of what goes on w/ minimum wage

a min wage hike is just a convenient bowl pontius can use 2 wash his hands when he's being publicly scrutinized 4 his choice 2 eliminate 1000s of cashier jobs

Well... that's the last fucking straw.

The article says that a 9 year old came up with the data by taking a phone survey. Although no one has vetted the accuracy of the data, it is claimed that American's use 500 million straws a day. So, how many straws have you personally used today? There are only 330 million american's... and I havn't used a straw in weeks, so some of you clearly have a strong fetish for straws!

A California politician now thinks that offering a straw should be punishable by up to 6 months in jail? WTF is wrong with California? The state that believes illegally entering the country and committing a crime can be forgiven, but goddamn the person caught using a plastic straw!
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im mad as hell and im not going to take it any more!

edit-how about a tax on apartments that don't pay for a recycling program? i stayed at a friend's for a bit last month and A they waste a shit load of plastic and B every fucking water faucet in that apartment had two settings: off and full blast