[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

love listening to people who have never run a successful lemonade stand

sold an item or service of value in their life

question the experience and ability of those far more intelligent and successful than themselves

like listening to gender studies student, aka professional listeners, ask the merit of doctors and engineers. successful entrepreneurs. as they peddle their student loan debt degrees in useless fields as an actual accomplishment
i google "germany"


first image that pops up

Thanks Capitalism!!
The migrant 'crisis', while described in Daniel and Revelation, actually does some positive things. The church is totally backslidden and few people share their faith. We have an opportunity to evangelize them by bringing them here and showing them how we achieve all of this. This has always been the primary mission anyways.
You ever game with a shithead? Sure you have. Some of you are the shithead I am talking about. You know - the guy that:

1) If shit is going bad in a pub - changes to the winning side
2) Is the most obnoxiously loud when they are winning and then goes suddenly quiet when losing
3) If losing - blames everthing and everyone else.
4) They try to get everything but their favorite stuff nerfed out of a game
5) Will leave a server if they are getting owned until they can go own newbs and act like a god
6) Is happy to cheat if no one else knows
7) If they get caught cheating say it's because everyone else cheats
8) Etc

That's pretty much the nevertrumps.
Pretty obvious Russia doesn't like Clinton, she's basically ducked up multiple countries where Russia has national security interest.
So... what makes more sense:

1. A capitalist society that rewards ingenuity and self determination that works to prevent wealth redistribution (theft and hand outs for the poor)

2. A socialist system that rewards people for doing nothing (and attracts more dead beats from the world over)

Somewhere in between. The problem is corruption and excess spending. The other problem in the USA is Usury, which is banks taking back all the money they've loaned out. Watch the movie "Money as Debt III" and it's all explained. Kennedy wanted to take on the Federal Reserve and he was assassinated because of it.

With the right in power, the social programs are cut back, the bums don't get their free stuff, so they vote for the left in 8 years.

Did some research on German beer. Those big steins are 1 liter, or 33 oz. Most beer in Germany is 5% and sold by the metric system. 1 liter = 33oz, 1/2 liter = 16oz. So those black dudes up above are basically drinking 2.75 beers.
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Somewhere in between. The problem is corruption and excess spending. The other problem in the USA is Usury, which is banks taking back all the money they've loaned out. Watch the movie "Money as Debt III" and it's all explained. Kennedy wanted to take on the Federal Reserve and he was assassinated because of it.

With the right in power, the social programs are cut back, the bums don't get their free stuff, so they vote for the left in 8 years.

You missed my point.

I'll clarify for you: Which system is more likely to attract foreigners?

One with hand outs
the one without
The migrant 'crisis', while described in Daniel and Revelation, actually does some positive things. The church is totally backslidden and few people share their faith. We have an opportunity to evangelize them by bringing them here and showing them how we achieve all of this. This has always been the primary mission anyways.


What if the Russians did hack the emails and give them to wikileaks to publish and expose? Does that change anything? Does it change the fact that there was an email server? Does it change how the Clinton foundation operates, the way Benghazi was handled, the rigging the DNC nomination or any of the mountain of dirty laundry that was laid out for the public to see just how things run contrary to the public image we are lead to believe is true?

It's like robbing a convenience store and complaining about the public release of the CCTV video of you breaking the law. " Well... if it wasn't for that camera, you'd never know it was me and therefore I shouldn't be held accountable or have my reputation tarnished.

If all the Russians have to do is release some emails and suddenly you become the villain and not them? I'd say you fucked up pretty badly and put yourself in a situation that made you look foolish and vulnerable. It's your fault, not the Russian's. Or Chinese. Or the Iranians...

And please... stop making the Russian's your scapegoat... it's not like the US Intelligence service wouldn't and hasn't done exactly the same thing when given the opportunity to influence the affairs of others for their own self interest. The taste of your own medicine tastes pretty bad.
So some unnamed official at a secret meeting told someone who told someone who told the Washington Post who told everyone else that the consensus of an unknown number of unknown intelligence agencies that the Russians hacked the elections by targeting four specific states with unknown methods and unknown evidence but if just three of those states flip than ipso facto Hillary Clinton is President.