[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

They sure as fuck understand now why flooding the economy with printed cash is bad..

edit.. they should, doesn't mean they will
and universal education and health care are core principals
They are only classified as a "core principle" because everything (the means of production and all property) are controlled by the State in a command economy. If you want to be technical, providing those two things as "free" would just mean you live in a quasi-welfare state. You can sort of mix a free-market economy and a command economy and when you do, you end up where we are today - in a big pile of shit.
Socialism is a spectrum and the further left it goes
Socialism is not a spectrum; it is an economy that is controlled (commanded) through a central planning department. If you go any further left, the only thing left is a communist system where literally everything is owned by the State, and money is no longer used.
speaking of making up facts...

TIL from this thread that socialized medicine = socialism

and government money comes from leprechauns and other magical sources

thanks everyone, great education seminar