[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

Really Sam? up until ... right before being in the body? or even after...

' ah fuck, this 3 year old is gettin' in the way of my life, liberty, and ... fuck he fucking stuck his finger in the tweeter again!!!
off with his head!'
My opinions on abortions should not get in the way of our 'rights'. The less control the state has over all of us and not just women, the freer we will be.

I find abortion to be disgusting, inhumane, and should only be used as a last resort, except for blacks and Jews. The pro-abortion crowd are some of the most repulsive anti-choice people on the planet and their defense of the procedure borders on psychopathy. However, our rights cannot and should not be allowed to be superseded by others; otherwise, where does it stop?

Pro-tip: it doesn't, and it leads to shit like forced experimental jabs. Once we give the State the ability to dictate what we can and cannot do with our own bodies, progressive-white women get involved and due to their natural authoritarian emotional state, will use the State which, I might add - enjoys a monopoly on the use of force - to force us to behave, act, think, and speak as they want us to.

Welcome to woke. (I really hate that word, BTW)
i find murder to be disgusting, inhumane, and should never be used, even as a last resort. The pro-murder crowd are some of the most repulsive, vile criminals on the planet and their defense of murder as well as them murdering people borders on psychopathy.

However, our rights to murder people cannot and should not be allowed to be superseded by others; otherwise, where else can we murder people?
If you wanna legislate away the morally bankrupt demons who prefer to kill babies instead of using condoms and birth control pills, you gotta go full Sharia. And as much as some of them deserve to be thrown off rooftops, I'm not cool with the state picking and choosing who gets a free flight. Therefore I'm with Sam on this topic.
i find murder to be disgusting, inhumane, and should never be used, even as a last resort. The pro-murder crowd are some of the most repulsive, vile criminals on the planet and their defense of murder as well as them murdering people borders on psychopathy.

However, our rights to murder people cannot and should not be allowed to be superseded by others; otherwise, where else can we murder people?
So should we repeal the death penalty too then?
one minute we're shooting the shit about cars the next minute he's getting dunked on about socialism and now he completely loses his shit full manic stalker mode
its remarkable
i find murder to be disgusting, inhumane, and should never be used, even as a last resort.
That's where we differ. I find nothing wrong with murdering someone who killed a family member of mine; raped my kid, mother, grandmother etc.; serial killers; torturers; some humans do not deserve to walk amongst us.
i find the murder of innocent humans to be disgusting.

Ok well whats the fuckin alternative bro? Wear a fuckin condom? Abstain from sex for a minute???

You're not being reasonable.

You bust inside and murder later. Its 2024 man.