[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

Ppl who think the pro-lifers are arguing from a position of wanting power and control are idiots. This is beyond stupid. Talk about not understanding your opposition at all.
Ohh I understand it well you flip flop on issues based on your feels

Exactly why during covid you kept saying my body my choice, then for abortion rights your religious feels and anger against women got touched and your suddenly big government supporters

Also funny how Russia and former USSR states amram screeches about practice eugenics and have very high abortion rates

Ohh I understand it well you flip flop on issues based on your feels

Exactly why during covid you kept saying my body my choice, then for abortion rights your religious feels and anger against women got touched and your suddenly big government supporters

Also funny how Russia and former USSR states amram screeches about practice eugenics and have very high abortion rates


i find it hilarious that kittycuck here can compare not wanting an experimental vaccine mandate to murdering unborn babies.
It's terrible that all those countries have so many abortions. But as far as I'm concerned abortion isn't a legal issue it's a cultural one. I'm not "anti abortion" and wouldn't advocate for it being banned in law.

With that said, comparing it to vaccines is idiotic. But you know that.
It's totally baby murder. The real problem is why we have such a nonchalant attitude about it.

I'm with Bill Clinton on this one. Safe legal and rare. You can't outlaw it. The population won't support it. There's a reason we always seem to be hovering around that first trimester mark as some reasonable concession.
I’m pretty sure if the lot of you had your way, you’d murder anyone that didn’t agree with you in the name of your saviour. 😂
Keep in mind as funny as that comment is, it’s been true over the course of history with religion, and still can be seen today.
You would do it, you’d kill us all I think.
The boomer MO has always been to monitor and police what everyone else is doing. People should always have their approval b
Yeah, people should just let their neighbors kill their children whenever they feel like it. It's not our business! More sound logic from our resident retard.
Just as I suspected doctors aren't normal people that are our neighbors. They all live behind walls as elites reigning down from on high. Take your jabb peasant. Now open wide as I yank this 4 month clump of cells out, that only looks like a baby. Don't believe your eyes peon. And that clump of cells is yours only yours it belongs to you. I suggest putting it into a pudding and eating it up.
it's very healthy.