Medal of Honor for 360.....


Veteran X
Cliffs: It's pretty damn cool considering all the negative hype. I'll play MW only if friends are online. This one will get my attention even if they aren't.

I'll start off by saying I bought my Xbox specifically to play call of duty modern warfare and MW2. So I'm a die hard fan. MW2 has gotten real stupid lately OMA bullshit, lag kills on every other map, etc. I hate using the MP5 but it kills way better then any of my favorites so I use it. :\ It's been making me want something more realistic that relies on something more then just a quick trigger finger and reflexes. I still want to just jump on and kill though. I bought BC2 to satisfy this and only put about 10 hours into the game getting my ass kicked and playing just cuz my friends were on there. Getting owned by helicopters you can't shoot down, objective based combat where people didn't help the team just made it shitty. Terrain although fully destructable wasn't that detailed. So I bought MoH and fired it up last night and I have to say I'm actually really diggin it.

The good takin from COD:
Killstreaks (they call them support objectives or something) You can earn say a UAV OR a mortor strike. You get both but you can only use 1 or the other when you achieve it. (hit one side fo the D pad or the other) Decide last minute what will help more.

Deathmatch for straight up killin. Haven't played the other game types but this is satisfying the need for now.
The UAV God love the UAV. Helps combat awareness when getting sniped across the board, enemy movements (which are actual movements instead of being on the other side of the board in 5 seconds)

No marathon, lightweight commando pro knifing. In this game you can hear everyone coming, no one runs at superhuman speed (see above UAV remark) or dives at you from across the room, Its just more realistic.

No gun (so far) is vastly superior to another. Bullets are pretty effective no matter what gun you have. (aside from distances with obvious small arms) You can still get out of trouble but no 1882 disaster happening either. You kill or get killed more on awareness and tactics then the gun used.

No killcams. This just makes it more intense. You don't know where you just got shot from you just know not to run around that corner anymore. Running between cover and slicing the pie come more into play (tactics...who knew) This isn't to say it's slow action either you just gotta watch your ass and work with your team to clear areas. Run and gun gets you killed.....a lot (mostly by snipers)

The terrain and levels are nice and detailed. Lots of nooks and cranny to fire through and search for snipers. By the way, because its so detailed, you can't see a sniper across the board with iron sights on your m16. You might see a spec of his head that doesn't look like it belongs on a cliff. Kinda looks like it might be a little rock or coloring of the mountain...see if it moves....then shoot at it. No taking out a sniper with an mp5 from across the board because you spotted him in the half second you were in the open. So many places to hide, you'll get smoked with that attitude. The players don't stand out against the background like they do in MW2. Not impossible but it ups the ante and sniper can own maps if players aren't smart with flanking, distraction, etc. Yeah there is no prone but I never use that in MW there is a lot of cover that works damn well with a crouch not leaving you overexposed.

Sound effects are bad ass. Firing an M4 inside a cinder block room sounds like your firing an M4 insides a cinder block room. It just adds realism.

24 people per map. BC2 had 12..are you kidding me? This is 2010 and everything. We all have fast internet connections...... Helps a lot.. BTW unlike BC2 the servers aren't dying every 5 minutes.

So anyway if you're looking for something that you want more realistic but still like to run around and kill this is a pretty entertaining game. I'll still buy Black Ops with high hopes but I'm sure in the future even if I get sick of it this, it will be a great go to game when I get sick of "bullshit kills" in MW2 (or black ops). That's my take anyway I know the gamespot reviews gave it a 7.5 and I'm usually pretty lined up with their metrics. I'd give this thing maybe an 8.5 or a 9 and line it up with MW2. Different features and pluses to both games but depending on style of play both entertaining. PS super tactical games like ghost recon bore the shit out of me which is why this makes it a good mix of styles.

Anyone else pleasantly surprised by this game? I know you guys who played the beta for PC generally hated it. Anyone else on the 360 version?
i just "bought" it for the PC for the SP. Is anyone playing this? Everyone still sticking with BC2 (i haven't played that in a while, was there a patch?)
I was considering getting this, but after reading some reviews im a little hesitant. I'd like to hear more peoples opinions.
24 people per map. BC2 had 12..are you kidding me? This is 2010 and everything. We all have fast internet connections...... Helps a lot.. BTW unlike BC2 the servers aren't dying every 5 minutes.

BC2 has 16 players in DM, 4 squads of 4. I've never seen a BC2 server go down either.
Yeah, I don't plan on getting MoH. The majority of the reviews say it's nothing special.

5-6 hour long campaign and the online is meh.
I was going to get this, but can't bother dumping $60 on a game I'll play for a few weeks.

I might actually like it. It sounds like it is a shooter without all the COD bullcrap.

Still, from what I hear it is dominated by snipers which gets boring. I couldn't stand BC2 because of this either. Sniper games are totally boring to me.
i dont know what you mean by 'a shooter without all the COD crap' because MoH has bonuses for kill streaks, etc....kill x number of people without dieing, get a mortar strike.....that sort of thing.
BC2 has 16 players in DM, 4 squads of 4. I've never seen a BC2 server go down either.

You obviously didn't buy it first day. haha It was fucking horrible. Kicked out to dashboard like 50 times. Your right it was 16. Still weak.
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this game looks awful. people say it sucks. halo just came out. cod is coming out shortly.
yah this game is fucked. pass.
i dont know what you mean by 'a shooter without all the COD crap' because MoH has bonuses for kill streaks, etc....kill x number of people without dieing, get a mortar strike.....that sort of thing.

More the perks. Marathon, commando, etc. More of a shooter than a run and knifer.
I was going to get this, but can't bother dumping $60 on a game I'll play for a few weeks.

I might actually like it. It sounds like it is a shooter without all the COD bullcrap.

Still, from what I hear it is dominated by snipers which gets boring. I couldn't stand BC2 because of this either. Sniper games are totally boring to me.

I thought so when i first started playing but ffter 2 hours I was doing ok. Middle of the pack in kills. (I was always mediocre in COD) Killed my share of snipers by workin up behind them. You just cant run toward one and go kill him. Have to choose your path wisely and prepare for resistance the whole way. Also found a few corners I could peek out and kill one in particular a couple times with just an M4. You just have to play smart, not hard.
you're calling a game fun while talking about how hard it is to kill snipers

this does not sound like fun

It's hard for him to kill you to if you don't do something stupid like running around out in the open. If you do that you deserve it. I didn't say it was impossible or hard for that matter you just have to adjust your style of play. I'm pretty sure combat is not running down the street with a P90 picking off snipers on rooftops before they can kill you. (COD)

BTW you don't think no scoping makes a game hard? I'm just telling from my experience with COD and BC2 this game is the best of both worlds. If you're in the same boat you should give it a try. I was personally sick of totally having the drop on someone and them walk around a corner and kill me. At least when I die in this game I can directly correlate it to something I did wrong.
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