McCain's Lie Tracker

If only the process was as simple as the media (and you) are saying it is. Well then I guess it's more of the same... regardless of who I vote for.

I'm not voting for McCain, and I probably won't vote for Obama. Neither has a stance on issues that I see as solutions to our current state of affairs. I see Obama as the lesser of two evils (as I said, $4.6 > $3.3 but both are higher than $0 which is what we should be at if not -$9.6 which would be awesome).

I want the general public to look at these issues. Obama isn't going to change his economic plan unless people start recognizing these problems. While taxing the top 1% elite may sound great, it will mess up our economy just as much as McCain's huge reduced tax plan. The elite can dodge taxes much better than any other class and upsetting them isn't something that will "help" this country. A flat tax in my mind would be much easier and make more sense.

Obviously McCain is a joke. I couldn't vote for him in a million years and can't in my right mind understand why anyone would vote for him. So I'll look at Obama:

Obama's health care (+$), foreign affairs (+$), taxes (+$), corporate regulations (+$)... do we see a trend here? WHERE IS THIS MONEY GOING TO COME FROM?

And if you tell me I'm "throwing away my vote" well that's my constitutional right to vote for who I want and if more American's cared enough to research their candidates and request their stances on issues rather than who they cheated on or what their religion is then maybe this country wouldn't be in the state it is.

And Stilgar, I love you, don't think I'm bashing you in the slightest. I respect you in the highest regard and know that you will believe in whatever vote you cast and I think that is awesome. Not only are you a good listener but I know you will research your vote and have no doubt your vote will count. If it is for Obama, then good for you, if it's for McCain, good for you (I know it won't, but you get my drift?). As long as people research who they are voting for and the issues then I will support them.
I know, man.
Mucho respect.
That's why we're having rationale discourse and not yelling, "fuck you" a lot.

In California (if that's where you're registered) your "wasted" vote won't matter - the state will go to Obama.
im having a hard time rationalizing voting for mccain because he picked palin as a vp candidate

im not sold on obama either because "change" doesnt happen when you take in $66 million in donations in one month.

I dig how you feel.

Consider how Mccain's gone from being a principled centrist once upon a time to a flag waving smear mongering compulsive liar. Two months ago i found the "bush #3" argument retarded, but now it actually kinda fits. Sarah Palin was the deal breaker for me, but also watching the parade of lies makes it that much more clear. Finally, i also was very concerned with him going into the White House and replacing multiple progressives on the Supreme Court with ultra-right wingers (it's already a right-leaning court) and picking Sarah Palin just proved that he's got very bad judgment.

It's not a question of being pro-Obama for me.

At this point, he's the lesser of two evils. If he and Congress DO fuck up badly (which they will), then the USA will swing to give Congress back to the GOP. And i'd be fine with Obama + a GOP Congress, similarly to the Clinton years.
I blame old people and the media. The media gave McCain more time and attention than any other Republican candidate and old people can only keep so much up there at one time so when they went to vote "McCain" was the only letter combination that looked familiar.
Only after he actually started winning. Up until the first few primaries he was pretty marginalized.
im having a hard time rationalizing voting for mccain because he picked palin as a vp candidate

im not sold on obama either because "change" doesnt happen when you take in $66 million in donations in one month.

See, I haven't donated any money this election and I doubt I will. To the people who have, would you donate money to the government to help implement these changes AFTER Obama is elected?
Mccain economic advisor says Palin couldnt run her old company (hewlett packard).

She then later went on MSNBC to do damage control, saying that neither could Mccain or Obama.
she couldnt run a small town. why even discuss her ability to run a large company....

edit: nm its cuz carly is a blind mccain supporter :p: