(Masturbation) Age and average times a day?

i uh
i make girls sore all the time

i have them fill out a questionnaire with pre-paid postage envelopes to send in anonymously after a session
when I'm dating a girl I can't get away with less than 2-3 times per day, because they want it so much, and I go for a while so it ends up consuming quite a bit of time

Wow your so impresive..... all the internet people know your a sex god now?

What will you do with this power?

Anyways a few replies saying it depends on your gf status, i find no differance.
Even if i have sex more than 5 times a day, it still feels better when i do it, and i have fucked prossies b4 so you cant say the quality isnt their.

And also i agree with that tearing sorrish comment on the shaft after to mcuh, but mine usually heals in my sleep and that is normally fot me 10+ which was done regurly in my teens.
Fun Bio Fact:

The average male adult produces sperm continuously all of there lives . However, after a cycle of 3 days, the testicles have produced all the sperm they can hold, excess is then expelled... usually while the individual sleeps.
What if we found out that Obibun was a secret virgin. I honestly wouldn't be all that surprised.
What if we found out that Obibun was a secret virgin. I honestly wouldn't be all that surprised.

I don't think anyone would be surprised. 2-3 times per day? The only girl who has sex 2-3 times per day is one thats dating a guy with a tiny dick, a girl who's vagina is the size of a car garage, or an imaginary girlfriend.

Either way, looks bad for Obi
Is it just me or has Obi become more insufferable over the last couple of years?
He used to make strange attempts at being clever. Now it's just angsty rage at anything that challenges what he tells himself about his life.

^^^thank you. and he's all defensive about his cigarette habit. you barely mention it a couple times and he writes up a long post about how he doesn't smoke that much. yeah right bro. lmao

28 and yeah i probably average 10-15 times a month but that's completely off the top of my (penis) head.

one time i came in my girlfriend 9 times in one day when i was 18 it was an awesome experience for me. the sex was terrible for her, she didn't come one time. it was glorious.
Is it just me or has Obi become more insufferable over the last couple of years?
He used to make strange attempts at being clever. Now it's just angsty rage at anything that challenges what he tells himself about his life.
his e-persona was very funny for a while... i think it's just gotten away from him...