Marweas... lemme work on new patch :)

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MaD_ReBeL said:
wtf is johnwayne?

and why dont i remember him if he is so ub3rl33t?

I never said I was uber-l33t. All I have said is that since I suck soo much, and I'm better than sarca, how is he uber l33t?

Oh yea, I forgot...he was part of the Sticks!!!!

SarcaStick said:
/me remembers catching nutz in the act of cheating.

edit: [VDI]Metaphor, pickle ;) member him heh
fun times!

You reminded me how much I fucking suck at HO and that I should stick with LD. :]
JW: "ono, u suck sarca"
Sarc*** "No, you suck"
JW: "Nu-uh you!"
Sarc*** "You suck more than I ever could, right Vlasic?"
Vlasic: <cynical comment and fond VDI remembrance>

SarcaStick said: were never better than me and you never will be.

gg's you lose

Really? How do you base this supposid "fact"?

On how i was 5 months into the game? When ASK played Sticks?

I am stating a fact, I am better than you. Last checked - UVA3. Nothing special, maybe you sucked at UVA3, cuz you didn't have ur cheats on. But let's not go there, mister "I am so elite".

P.S. - Just cuz you played for Sticks, doesn't mean you were Elite, espically when Tike was actully let in that tribe, :rofl:
all i have to say is this.

one of the main grievances ive seen in all this thread about happy and his code is "he isnt responsible or ethical"

all you fuckers saying this crap better format your C: drive right fucking now. after all you are using the worlds most unethical operating system arent you?

Dave, wsup!!!!!

Yo, we need to go chill sometime.

I'm like all chillin at Clit, doing lvl 2.

f'ing PC support is aight... just morons on the phone.

-W- sKILLz said:
Hehhe funny thing is, HaPpY could, very easly, take down your PC 4 LIFE. But he doesn't, cause he isn't that type of person. (im sure others can to, with as much experiance as he has)

He could make TribalWar, a fucking XXXGAYPORN LINK if he wanted to. But once again, he isn't that type of person.
Adam is 1 of the most quite, passive friends I have. He NEVER YELLS, never gets mad. He always is HaPpY.

He doesn't wanna ruin T2 guys, he wants to fix it for you guys. And its sad, the majority would rather talk about, as some put it, a "dead t1" game. Things in the past, that he has done. Years ago now? Yet all you can still dwell on is that? HAHAHAHHAHAHA. Thats why this community will remain @ the bottom. Untill people start to look into the future, rather than the past. Im sure we ALL have done something in our life, that we arn't proud of. And im sure everyone has said, "Its in the past". Happy may be proud of what his coding ability has let him do, but the fact REMAINS, it's in the past.

He is askin, willing to deadicate his own personal time into T2, making it BETTER. Not worse-You have to get that image out of your head. Once you get that image out of your head, and the image that happy is a coding F'master in, you will change your mind.

So before you "hack", "insult" and be rude, plz think about what you are saying, and dont dwell in the past. Lets make a bright T2 future. In order to do that, we need real F'programmers-I think we can all agree on that.


PS-His car owns to :rocker:

sKILLz, you couldn't have said it any better. HaPpY has *GOT* to be one of the nicest and greatest friends you could have in this community. And I hold HaPpY up there with the great Gods of programming, on the same level as Carmack himself! :p
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