Map probs...


Veteran X
OK i am making a map, well editing Spiridan, and i can't get the fighters to come out of the fighter pad! I don't have a clue why but will someone tell me how to fix this?!?
I placed a fighter pad and then i saved then played the map but it wouldn't work. the pad would open but the fighter never came out....i also placed some asault ship pads and they work so...i don't know what is wrong...
Ok, to put in a fighter pad;

1) Create a hole in the BSP or terrain where the fighter pad is going to sit. If you don't do this, strange things may happen including the fighter not appearing at all.
2) Insert the BaseObjectVehicleSpawnFighter from the BaseObjectClasses package.
3) Give the spawn a meaningful Label, such as "ImperialFighterSpawn01"
4) Change the m_team to the team you want to use the spawn. If the fighter is part of an unconquered territory, leave this blank as it will default to whoever owns the base associated with the spawn.
5) Change the ownerBase to the base that owns the fighter.
6) Rebuild the entire map including the mopp.

You should be good to go.