Map input


Veteran X
Since Sabbath is almost done (only missing one feature from it's current version that needs so scripting to impement), I'm starting to think about my next map. I've got some ideas, but haven't really desided what direction I want to go.

While pondering this, it occured to me that know one has asked the masses lately what they (you) would like to see.

Large complex maps?
Smaller, faster maps?
Smooth easy to ski maps?
More challanging terrain?
Large indoors?
Entirely indoors?
No indoors?
Different game type focus (fuel/ball/arena)?
Something else entierly?

Now I don't expect everyone to agree on what makes a "good map". Everyone has different tastes. So don't feel afraid to post ideas or concepts that might not be popular with other people... this is just about idea gathering for myself and any other mapper that might be looking for some input.

Feel free to discuss each other's suggestions. My only request is that you don't bash other people for their ideas. Some totally insane thoughts can inspire good stuff.

Go for it.
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its "concepts", not "consepts" :) I think I've seen you misspell that word on most of your
posts! (Seriously.. do a search for consepts in TT)
Map Ideas:
I think it would be neat to see a mountan map simlar to Highlands. Bases, a few mountans 6-9, Sharp edges in the mountans to ski, and a few valleys. [The only thing I have against Highlands is the bases are too freaking close together]

Underwater / Water based map. There were a few of these for T2 and I always had fun on those maps. The bases were far apart and there would be 3-5 capturable bases that aided in capturing the flag. [Too bad there arnt any good vehicles that can be in the water]

Ide say for the game types stick to CTF as your primary design. On larger maps have fuel and smaller maps have ball. Arena is fun on most maps and Rabbit aswell.

New gametype ?:
It would be intresting to make a plain old deathmatch map or even an assualt map where one team defends a place and the other atacks. Somthing simlar to farcry where the defending team cant reclaim lost territory.

Hope one of these or someone else gives you a good idea of what you want to map. Have Fun
BITTY! make a map with a territory that controls a shield over a teams base (except for a large doorway), remember you CAN punch through your team's forcefields with a flag (iirc) but not the enemies.
I'd like to see maps on the larger side with more complex terrain. Make skiing in heavy possible but only if you do your work and find good routes ala the good T1/T2 maps. If you make it there in heavy the gen's should be fairly easy to rape (especially if you have to leave the shield pack behind to make it there) but not possible to rape with lamer vehicles i.e., pod.
Personally i'd like to see some Arena/rabbit type maps. Maybe a bit like MP-Royalty, but more tribes friendly. Look at the single player campaign maps, there are some nice maps in there. This map should be indoors, maybe partially outdoors (like in MP-Royalty), relatively small and somewhat complex. Basicly the stuf you would expect from an arena map.

For CTF: go for large terrain. Keep it smooth, nice rolling hills etc. I would suggest making the map less complex than sabbath. Also it might be good to experiment with more vehicles. If the map is large enough, add 2 tanks or something. For the bases, stick with the stuff written in irritants base design thread. Just try to give it some size.
DonkeyofDoom said:
remember you CAN punch through your team's forcefields with a flag (iirc) but not the enemies.

Actually, you can't.
No FF will let you pass if you have a flag (or any other carriable objective object).
With the advent of waterskiing I would really like to see a map SIMILAR to archepeligo. Not the exact same map but one where there was more water than land.
I'd like to see maps that contain bases which are more spread out.

Maps like Feign, Arid and Dash do a good job of splitting up resources (Base Invs/Turrets, Vehicles, etc) and keeping the flag open for movement.

The bases where the flag/base/invs are all within 100m get too clustery for me.

That would be my only suggestion. Spread things out (not overly so) but dont' box everything in. Make the offense work for crippling the other team. Make the invs/gens/deployables in separate rooms or buildings (convenient to battle). Give the flag area it's own set of deployables, base structure AWAY from the main base (not far, just not RIGHT NEXT to or IN it.

Was just thinking about some of my favorite maps of T1/T2 and most of them had the setup I described above, to some degree.

Maps that take advantage of waterskiing would be great. It's crazy fun in the retail maps. Larger maps wouldn't be too bad either, though I'm not one for big complex bases. The Riverdance style base is probably the "big base" that I like the most, as it's open and easy to navigate and attack in.

KillerONE has an excellent point too.
As a Tribes 1 player I tend to lean towards small simple ones. But almost every vengeance map, as WELL as custom maps, are small and simple. I think it would be so refreshing to see a huge map with rolling hills and water. Lots of pretty stuff too. And not huge bases, but something bigger then the one or two room bases that have taken over T:V. I want to see one or two hallways.

LOTS of extra terrain. I am tired of the confined feeling. I don't need 40 square miles of terrain, just ENOUGH to be able to not really have to worry about the effing stupid OOB grid.
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Bit, just come and have a VERY LONG CHAT with me. I'll take you on a VERY complex tour of MANY selected T2 maps and show and explain gameplay strategies those maps were used for and how we can go about designing maps in T:V to take advantage of some of these tried and true gameplay styles.
Large map, something like Tropics, foggy/low visibility, and take away the sensor. It makes for an interesting experience when enemies slip in around you under the cover of that fog, instead of being lit up from two miles out. Try to emphasize the map as needing a longer game time than most other maps, a slightly slower playing style, a steady progression across the field, and a well-thought-out plan for getting the flag and making it home. A few territories here and there for spawning purposes, and definitely use more of the heavier vehicles. Like, two or three Assault Ships and a few Tanks. Forget the Pod entirely, and maybe one Rover to boot.

The base would need to be something big. Not totally massive and menacing to the lingering HO, but big enough that somebody might be able to hide inside the structure as they attack. Put the flag in an open space on the outside, but block off most of its entrances with FFs, leaving some small opening out of the way for friendly cappers to complete the run. If you can knock out the generator deep in the base, you have a clear path to the flag for a much easier run.

That's the kind of map I would play on all day. Sure, it's inviting to snipers and very hostile for the casual players, but it would help create a sense of team awareness for those less fortunate types who only ever played T:V instead of T1. ("T1," they say, "what's that?" :( )