Manditory Military training/service. [ H. R. 3598 ]


W00t! finally something good working it's way through the hill.


Universal Military Training and Service Act of 2001 - Makes it the obligation of male citizens and residents between 18 and 22 to receive basic military training and education as a member of the armed forces unless otherwise exempt under this Act. Permits female citizens and residents between such ages to volunteer for enlistment in the armed forces, with acceptance at the discretion of the Secretary of the military department concerned. Limits the period of training to between six months and a year. Permits transfers after basic training of such conscripts/volunteers to national and community service programs to finish the term of service. Provides educational services and Montgomery GI benefits to persons upon completion of their national service.
Uses the existing Selective Service System and local boards for induction. Sets forth criteria for deferments, postponements, and exemptions, including high school, hardship, disability, and health.
Entitles inductees to request a particular service branch. Excludes conscientious objectors from combatant training, but otherwise requires them to take basic training before a permitted transfer to a national service program.
Oh, and imagine the costs of those GI benefits if every person in the country has to do this training and is then entitled to them.
So, ummm, I guess this bill means we all go to college later ... except for women. So that means that if this bill was passed, all the guys in a college would be a year older than all the girls in their classes.
its actually not a bad idea

germany does it.. you can do 2 yrs military or 2 years social service (working in hospitals usually i think)

switzerland does it as well.. since they have no real army

seems like it gives people a lot of options, so youre not forced to do one thing in particular.. itll never pass, sadly
MST3K-rules said:
So, ummm, I guess this bill means we all go to college later ... except for women. So that means that if this bill was passed, all the guys in a college would be a year older than all the girls in their classes.

so? we'll still get paid more than them, be able to pay off our college sooner, and have more training under our belts..


as for the cost of the GI benefits, wed have to raise taxes i guess :\ big whoop
i dunno how you could say "sadly"

i dont want to be forced to do anything i dont want to do

paying buttload of taxes is bad enough

you'd think the "liberals" would be the ones pushing such an initiative, and the conservatives fighting it

but yea gotta sustain that military/industrial complex as long as possible
seriously forcing someone to work in a situation they dont want to participate in = slavery :p

paid or not
MST3K-rules said:
Oh, and imagine the costs of those GI benefits if every person in the country has to do this training and is then entitled to them.

The Montgomery G.I. Bill isn't free.

You have to buy into the benefit for $1200 during your active service. They took $100 a month out of my pay for the first year of service. The fact of the matter is... less than 1 person in 12 actually ever use the money after they get out. So, it effectively pays for itself.
oh yea and theres a bit of difference between spending two weeks listening to testimony and spending two years learning to kill people
i dunno, i think it might straighten some people out, help them get a head start.. etc

its only a year.. i mean, duty to your country isnt that bad.. its basically like a draft, but with more choices and more benefits

taxes arent that damn much, i dunno why people bitch
i mean if you wanna get all into the national budget bullshit, go ahead.. but if were paying for our military black projects that keep us safe at night.. im not complaining
free said:
oh yea and theres a bit of difference between spending two weeks listening to testimony and spending two years learning to kill people

I'm sure all those boys marching up Omaha Beach were loving every minute of it. Sometimes you just have to bite your lip and take one for the team.