Mandarb is.......DEAD.......

identify this snake
rly? it was at elementary school my gf teaches at (across the street from phantred's house)

also down the road from you skivvis

it looks like a poisonous snake
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LOL. I am from and still in Kentucky.

And everything is ok except the glass on the black widows cage was cracked and I couldn't find her....I am sure she is around here somewhere....


My house would be on the market that night. Oh and I would be staying at a hotel.
black widows aren't that deadly...its an alergic reaction...some have it...some don't

my little brother has worked for the phone company for 10 years (i think) and has been bitten a few times by black widows...
there's so many ponds and creeks over there though, you can find them pretty much anywhere....i saw one in a tree in mckinney
My best guess is a blotched water snake. I have never herped Texas, but it is on my too do list. Possibly this spring.

mandarb i'm going to Belize in a few months. I heard there are more poisonous snakes there than anywhere else on the planet... Am i going to die?