Man to bet life savings on 1 spin

he'd have more probability of success by leveraging himself to the max long as many S&P contracts as he could rather than a place where the HOUSE ALWAYS WINS.
riko said:
he'd have more probability of success by leveraging himself to the max long as many S&P contracts as he could rather than a place where the HOUSE ALWAYS WINS.

I have no idea what you just said.
Shade said:
All of his possessions except for a handgun that is, which will be in his jacket pocket.

Nah, Brits can't own guns. Maybe he'll have a salad fork in there.
always bet on black!

hah that's almost as DUMMM as posting stuff on TW that's been on for hours/days

this guy isnt hardcore. hardcore isnt gambling

call me when this guy kicks a dinosaurs ass

that shits hardcore
my god you people, he's not dumb. It's not just "some british guy," it's all a part of a major television show which is doubtless earning him far more than he's currently worth anyway. The man's a genius. If he wins, he wins. If he loses, he makes millions from the show.