Man punches waiter over steak being "too meaty"

He was trying to get the dinner for free. There's a small group of people who complain about their meal in an attempt to get it comped. The restaurant was probably going to offer him another steak, but he still had to pay, which is why he got pissed off.
yea i guarantee we are not hearing the full story. The waiter was prolly some douche bag young fuck. The old guy prolly just mixed up what he was thinking and said meaty on accident. Then the young guy prolly said some smart ass comment as the old guy was leaving and got punched in the face.

or something else similar happened.
the dude was probably a closet homosexual afraid of being found out, and he saw eating too much meat as openly admitting to being gay.

either that or he's the John Farva of fine dining.