Malygos 10

When you say that it makes me wonder if we're even playing the same game.

This guild just got their first 1 drake Sarth last week. Thankfully I didn't attend. I'm sure it was a wipefest.

I know you aren't the most amazing player, but this content is pretty basic as far as what has been "hardcore" in the past and hopefully what is to come.

Your guildies who suck now aren't suddenly going to be awesome in 3.1 so do yourself a favor and start looking elsewhere, Data. You can play alts with your friends on their fail runs.
Feel free to log on though. I actually don't play him at all. I'm just waiting for Ulduar right now. He's got decent dps gear, but nothing amazing.
i dont even have wow installed right now, but I wanted to try pvp, ill let you know, I doubt ill even install it
bloodlust - tich - horde is awesome imo

if you dont mind pugging you can usually find a pug for any raid every day of the week, theres also quite a few guilds with all content down that are starting to dwindle in numbers that you might be able to get a spot in, id say transfer before uld comes out tho

ive played on a few servers at 70 and tich seems to be the most 'advanced' in terms of general competence, the bloodlust bgs kinda swing one way then the other depending on the day

bloodlust - tich - horde is awesome imo

if you dont mind pugging you can usually find a pug for any raid every day of the week, theres also quite a few guilds with all content down that are starting to dwindle in numbers that you might be able to get a spot in, id say transfer before uld comes out tho

I've been doing just that on my alt for shit I don't do with our main raids, because we were under the assumption that you could buy 8.0 shitter gear with valor emblems so I've tried to do every instance that awarded them for the last month or two each week so I could load up on freebies next Tuesday.

Pugged 3drake 10man last weekend because a raid was asking for replenishment and I was bored (half of the raid were the same people I pugged 6min 10man maly with to get Glory of the Raider awhile back). Ulduar might start to bring out the bads and may be harder to pug, but give it a month or two and people will at least be doing partial runs. I know our alt raid will likely start as soon as we're down to 2-2.5 raid nights if not sooner.

The downside to pugging raids on Tich is most runs want you to be mostly BiS before jumping in to run with them, so it's harder to get started.
Interesting, I was in Nightfall for two years (2006 - end of 2007) and I never got the feeling it sucked. Especially compared to other battlegroups I was in, maybe the times are changing. :shrug:

:rofl: Your skill level now is absolutely terrible, I'd hate to see what it was like in 06-07.

If players were your caliber, I'd be a shoo in for gladiator
Yeah, I was wondering exactly what Feannag does in WoW that allows him to judge the calibre of his battlegroup. I don't think that's something you can tell by running heroic Violet Hold.
:rofl: Your skill level now is absolutely terrible, I'd hate to see what it was like in 06-07.

If players were your caliber, I'd be a shoo in for gladiator

Meh, I haven't PvP'd too much and the most time I spend is on my prot pally. And unlike the other two tree, Prot doesn't lend itself as well to PvP. Besides I'm highly skeptical you have actually seen me or fought me in WoW so how would you know?
Meh, I haven't PvP'd too much and the most time I spend is on my prot pally. And unlike the other two tree, Prot doesn't lend itself as well to PvP. Besides I'm highly skeptical you have actually seen me or fought me in WoW so how would you know?

I don't pvp in my pve spec. Even if I'm dpsing in pve.

New excuse please.
Because two dailies are so hard to do these days.
It's money and time. I don't want to put forth the effort of spending 50g+ everyday on top of money to re-make/re-buy glyphs every single time on top of re-selecting talents over and over again.

I'd rather play another class and wait for dual-spec to finally release (if it's before May I'll be impressed). Besides there's too many retardadins running around, it grows tiresome when I pug heroics I'm carrying some ret pally to gear who never even thinks to even heal in a pinch if situation needs it. I would also include peeling a rogue mob off a healer/caster but I'm good enough at paladin-tanking to make sure I have gobs of aggro from groups that never even becomes an issue.