MAGA - I have questions (non-Trump, non-political, non-troll)

Elimination of poverty and geometric population growth can only happen with education; specifically, the empowerment of women. Women in those countries must gain control over when and if they are going to reproduce, and that involves education. I'm talking about education at a very general level, in social programs that develop basic social awareness, hygiene, birth control, and plant the seed that religion need not suppress sexual emancipation any longer.

There are reasons that Islam and Christianity have fought the above idea so hard for hundreds of years. Once that first step is taken, those countries will immediately advance.

Yes Christianity and Islam are the main reasons Africa in general is a 3rd world shithole. Oops nope. The only time anywhere in Africa has not been a cesspool is when it was Colonized from Western Countries. The moment it changed back down it went. Good example: Somalia.
small government and the GOP are basically functionally unrelated over the past 40 years

people will hand-wring about RINOs and neocons but government spending as a % of GDP has gone up steadily and has been relatively close to WWII levels for a long time

the economy around healthcare has been centrally planned since the 40s. filtering it through employer provided health insurance by making the benefits not taxable as income has been a disaster. it centralizes access so you're basically paying a cartel to be "in-network" because even if you could magically convert your health benefits into cash that cash would go <tax rate>% less far

virtually no one electable to federal office can even address these basic issues because the whole economy revolves around financialized rent seeking. things like the stock market are propped up to compensate for the illiquidity of the immensely wealthy well beyond the scale of any welfare program in history, it's all grift.
I agree for the most part, except that the GOP doesn't represent conservatives. It represents the GOP/Republicans.

WWII and post WWII Democrats were the worst Presidents in the history of the US, then we got a shitty RINOs in response (other than Reagan), and this trend continued, which got even worse during Bush.

Fortunately, to some extent, actual conservatives got a boost lately. Unfortunately, Dems are growing more and more Commie as each passing day and we're over here still fighting against neo-cons that are still deeply rooted in the GOP.

We're all fucked in the long run without a war.
So just to quickly summarise your replies...

Shit Happens
There's no racial inequality
Liberals and Jews
I don't understand but probably liberals
Blacks and Women

Fucking Jesus there's no hope.
Great reading comprehension.
Had they been educated, they never would have embraced those things. Religion was in Africa long before modern industry.

The colonization brought education and yes Religion was in Africa specifically to the north with Islam. Are you saying the Islamic religion did not bring education ? At the point of the Crusades it was the Islamiic regions who were educated and Western Countries behind that. Father south was tribal.

You can lead a horse to water..
Are you saying the Islamic religion did not bring education ? At the point of the Crusades it was the Islamiic regions who were educated and Western Countries behind that. Father south was tribal.

I'm talking about quality education. Islam teaches children to memorize the Koran in Arabic, and tribal Africa taught that young girls were to be circumcised. It's education, arguably, but not of any quality. I'm talking about teaching how to make a well and filter the water you get from it, not burning bushes that talk, or how Xenu brought billions of aliens to earth.

In modern schools, The Flat Earth Society, creationists, and astrologists are not given equal time, for very good reasons. More than 2/3 of humans still believe magic is real , and that has to be one of the places we start. Splashing water on babies doesn't give them a better or worse chance of going to whatever mythical place.

some bad news tehvul :(
I'm talking about quality education. Islam teaches children to memorize the Koran in Arabic, and tribal Africa taught that young girls were to be circumcised. It's education, arguably, but not of any quality. I'm talking about teaching how to make a well and filter the water you get from it, not burning bushes that talk, or how Xenu brought billions of aliens to earth.

In modern schools, The Flat Earth Society, creationists, and astrologists are not given equal time, for very good reasons. More than 2/3 of humans still believe magic is real , and that has to be one of the places we start. Splashing water on babies doesn't give them a better or worse chance of going to whatever mythical place.

Education as we know it today did not magically appear. The roots of what we know today stemmed from the work and knowledge of people past of various religious bases. Saying "more education" is the answer is dumb as an answer to world problems. It would be wonderful if we were robots and it was easy to just upgrade the programming however, education does not answer human's fears or other personality traits. You can provide statistical data how flying is the safest mode of travel but you will always have people that have a fear of flying.

You are a good example. You claim that you are educated yet you are dumb enough to blanket associate large groups of people as the same because you do not agree with them politically. If someone wants to believe in God or flat earth, that is a personal choice. You try to act all above other people when in fact you are no better than those people you so call "despise". Someone may not trust the earth is round but they may not be a raging alchy who got tossed in jail.

"Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones"" That might be a saying you have heard of mr.edjumicated
triple-kale can only copy-paste reddit garbage trying to stay in his attention seeking mode. Funny/sad