MAGA - I have questions (non-Trump, non-political, non-troll)

This is something i've put thought into.

What is MAGA? Trump has never answered the question so its 100% subjective and a reason why i feel like its struck a cord with so many.

It offends libtards because they hate America.

It inspires American's that love the idea of what America can be and was at its height.

To me, Trump took massive steps in the right direction. Putting a stop to Critical Race Theory being taught in schools. Stopping the non stop petty division by race that is pushed by every lefty. Deregulating the economy allowing small business and major business to see less overhead thus reinvest. Securing the border allowing some of the biggest gains in personal income ever. This also allowed some of the biggest gains in black employment because there was market competition for them. Some of the biggest tax cuts in history allowed lower and middle class people to take home more of what they earned allowing easier upward momentum through the economic classes. Peace through strength and no new wars. Bringing our troops homes. Flying the big American middle finger to shithole countries.

This is MAGA to me.

Dropping bombs on countries and destabilizing entire regions is not. Or opening the borders while closing our schools is not. Or 50+ EO's in the span of 1 month is not. Mint go burrrr is not.

In agreement with T-Dawg's post, i see American clearly on the decline. We have become weak and have allowed the commies to take over. The focus has been moved to allowing our kids to cut their genitals off while the elite funnel kids to cages and from cages to islands. Or pack spending bills full of garbage allowing shithole states to be bailed out for shit policy. Or giving each other book deals and making millions off zombies that think sending covid sick people to nursing homes is noble.

All we can do is sit back and enjoy the last hand full of years we have.


We will not sit. We stand. Long live the Republic! America is forever!
Maga isn't actually about any of this it's just about reeeing and collecting grift

That's why maga is so great
We will not sit. We stand. Long live the Republic! America is forever!

its too late bro

the election system is broke with no hope of being fixed

Republicans cheered down here in GA when the house legislator passed a bill requiring ID for absentee voting.

Like wtf good will that do if you certify elections when chain of custody is broke?

clown show
maga is about trying to fight the culture war but they always end up shooting themselves in the foot like how blm is now more popular than its ever been

the harder maga reeees the faster civil war statues fall down it's really amazing to watch
ur gonna love how this movie ends.

Yes MAGA is the most fiendish reverse psychology scheme ever. Whodathunk a Liberal Democrat could lead so many conservative rats like the Pied Piper off a lemmings cliff. It was hilarious. The best part of the reality show is yet to come. Stay tuned folks.
why do libtards keep shit posting march 4th?
I think a group of them created a Q-tip meme about Trump being the true POTUS and he would be reinstated on March 4. I wouldn't pay much attention to it as Q isn't a thing. It doesn't have a president or front office. It's just an idea.
That read like a anti-american reddit post. Learn something about the U.S. before making all the stupid assumptions and mischaracterizations you made based on what you read on the internet.

When you hear the phrase make america great again, what time period do you think reflects American greatness?
Hang in there bros. Defend your dollar, keep being world police, hopefully everyone else sinks before you. That's the only MAGA possibility left.
Maga lives on in all of our reees it's not about any specific agenda just the fight and spirit of the reeee
everything bad comes out of NY
Fuck that place
My entire life I've been asked to go to NY
Fuck NO
Thank god I've avoided that shit hole
MAGA is not a point in time. MAGA is an ideal. America has never been a utopia, but there are times where significant parts of it were decidedly much better than they are currently.

There was a time when U.S. manufacturing dominated the globe, our military was the strongest, people lived very well, were educated, decent jobs were easy to find, housing was plentiful..etc..etc.

much of that is still true in various was, but at the same time not. America has lost its way on many fronts and most of the elected officials charged with leading this country said 'fuck it, im getting mine' long ago.

You want to MAGA? starts with leadership. Clear out D.C., term limits on Congress, kick lobbyists out of D.C. and make every elected official that comes in the future fearful of what will happen to them if they get caught taking advantage of their position for personal gain.

also if you want to MAGA....clip about 100mil from the population. We have too many people, too many coming in adding to that. Every country, even the u.s. has finite resources
everything bad comes out of NY
Fuck that place
My entire life I've been asked to go to NY
Fuck NO
Thank god I've avoided that shit hole

nyc is amazing to visit, don't think i'd want to live there though
maybe in my 20s after college but definitely not now