Mac OS 9.21 question

Yogi Bear

Veteran X
I'm sure this is something easy but I initialized a customer's drive and reinstalled OS 9.21.

The control strip is stuck in the middle of the screen and I can't drag it to the bottom where it belongs. Anybody know where the setting is that allows me to move the control strip?
Yogi, you'll wanna do the 9.2.2 update. some good bug fixes there. And if the customer plans on using OS X you'll need to the Firmware update.
Ok, thanks El Smack. I don't think they're interested in OS X but I've got a copy of the 9.22 patch laying around here somewhere.
Crom said:
yyeaaahhh, but 9.2.2 rules pretty hard. it's a friggin workhorse.

Compared to what, exactly? I'd say that 10.2 is the workhorse.. I think I've seen it go down once in the past several months, and that's leaving it on 24/7, rebooting as little as possible, and using it daily.

Unless your hardware is old or you need software that depends on OS 9, you should be running OS X. No contest.
i can't even remember when I last needed to reboot due to OS instability... just for installing things and this virus problem i've been having... (winXP)
jotun said:
i can't even remember when I last needed to reboot due to OS instability... just for installing things and this virus problem i've been having... (winXP)

Hi, please don't compare stability with a fucking windows OS to OS X plz, your an idiot if you think Windows XP is halfway as stable as X.

Linux on the other hand, feel free to compare it with OS X, since they are both based off of UNIX.
Special---K said:
Mac people are so fucking annoying

i hate them

So do I, and I am one. They're not ALL bad, though.

In Windows' defense, XP is pretty stable.. provided that nothing is fucking it up. (And I mean that in a non-sarcastic way.) The 9X versions are pure crap, though.

In my personal experience, though, OS X is fantastically stable.. and the vast majority of its users seem to agree, if forum posts are any indication.

Less :argue:, more :heart:.