Lunar Festival Bullshit - Walkthrough (Alliance side)


Veteran XV
Blizzard put in a massive coin scavenger hunt and a new outdoor raid boss for the "Lunar Festival" event.

The line starts in IF outside the bank, and you get sent to the Mystic Ward in IF. Then you complete another quest which gives you a scroll allowing you to teleport to Moonglade. Talk to the jews where you port in, then head up into the town to receive the quest to kill Omen, the new outdoor raid boss. He's a big white wolf who looks like a corehound. He spawns in the Stormrage Barrow Dens in Moonglade, although he doesn't regen out of combat or despawn like most mobs. Therefore expect him to be kited all over by stupid droolers who don't realize he's chasing them.

You spawn Omen by setting off fireworks in the Barrow dens, this causes a bunch of nonelite 60-62 wolves to spawn that you can pretty much cleave down solo. Then Omen shows up on the scene.

His attacks include biting the shit out of the MT, and randomly casting Starfall (think Priestess of the Moon from War3) in the surrounding area. It ticks for about 800, and has about a 20 yard radius so if you're in it then you need to get the fuck out quick.

He doesn't do anything else that's interesting. I was able to solo heal a drooler MT who was in UBRS blues for quite some time so he won't even be a challenge to a well geared group.

After you kill him, stand on top of him (as close as possible) to complete the quest. You get "Blessed by Elune" which grants +10% to your base stats, which is nice. Then go back to the quest NPC and talk to him, and he gives you something called an Elune Stone that summons a pillar of light that does nothing but cause framerate lag.

Also there's a coin scavenger hunt. There's lists of where to find all the coins out there, but it looks like the rewards are cloth items allowing you to play dressup (gay)

Coin List

edit: apparently you can turn in 5 of those coins to get a Candle or something that's supposed to make the Omen fight easier.
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We got to the point we have a raid of 40 'tards hanging out in the commons setting off fireworks to lag everyone to Hades. If they were really smart they'd have the mages do AoE spells as they set off fireworks.
I spent about 20 minutes looking around Auberdine for the coin guy or anyone and I didn't see crap. I am kind of tired though so maybe I missed it.
JohnnyX said:
I spent about 20 minutes looking around Auberdine for the coin guy or anyone and I didn't see crap. I am kind of tired though so maybe I missed it.

he's just south of the flight point

I went through yesterday and found 45/50 coins, with the last 5 being inside instances (BRD, BRS, ST, Strath, and Maraudon) that I didn't feel like running

It's pretty much a huge waste of time. Although sneaking into Org, UC, and TB was fun,
Ya it was awesome sneaking into the horde towns. I actually ran around mounted in Org for a few minutes before I finally logged off and found where the guy was with my horde char.